Role of solar energy for enhancing sustainable energy and electricity in Myanmar: An outlook

Monday, August 5 2024

Department of Electrical Power Engineering, Yangon Technological University, Yangon, 11011, Myanmar
Sustainable Energy Development is a must consideration for energy sector. Energy Trilemma index is quite low in Myanmar as only 40% of the country is electrified At 66% of Final Energy Consumption, the residential sector was the largest energy consumer, due to the use of fuel wood for cooking. For electricity sector, load shedding problems are frequently occurred in dry season because of insufficient generation. Local peoples are also protesting Coal fired power plants and natural gas is also not available sufficiently. In this paper, the role of solar energy to enhance energy security, affordability and environmental sustainability are analyzed using energy Trilemma index as a tool. Energy Trilemma is used as a tool to determine the sustainability development of the energy sector. According to the analysis, three indices of energy trilemma can be improved by solar energy and it is a vital role for sustainable energy development in Myanmar.


Lin, O.Z., Mon, K.K., Htay, T.T., 2020. Role of solar energy for enhancing sustainable energy and electricity in Myanmar: An outlook. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,


Energy Trilemma, Generation Mix, Myanmar, Solar Energy, Sustainable Energy


Ohn Zin Lin, Khine Khine Mon, Tin Tin Htay





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