Support in Building ACE’s visibility on energy-climate arena and Raising the Awareness

ACCEPT is actively involved and participated in various public events as invited by other institutions to join the discussion in building about public awareness on energy-climate nexus. ACCEPT also aims to organise its own public events (Project Output 3.2) to present, communicate, disseminate and discuss various findings of its researches and studies. ACE itself has not held any dedicated public event about energy-climate policy nexus before.

ACCEPT also actively disseminate its perspectives on energy-climate nexus through Op-eds in traditional media (Project Output 3.3) and build its profile on the energy-climate policy nexus in social media by actively communicate in its dedicated social media account, such as Twitter @ASEAN_EnergyCC (Project Output 3.4).

Increase ACE’s visibility on energy-related climate policy at the national, regional and international levels (Project Output 2.1), where ACCEPT is able to present its generated data and analysis from the ASEAN Energy Database System (AEDS), distribution of project’s output such as publications/reports, and perspectives such as Op-Eds and Social Media Post.

This website is also developed as a platform is established to share project’s activities and updates on ASEAN’s energy policy towards climate change mitigation.

This activity is expected to be able to inform the public in the ASEAN countries about energy and climate change (Project Outcome 3), as it may see the change in ACE’s public outreach to include energy-climate policy nexus and improved dissemination of information about energy-climate policy nexus, while at the same time strengthen ACE capacity in energy-related climate policy (Project Outcome 2).


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