[a] Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
[b] Tropical Renewable Energy Center and Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
The global average sea level is rising at a rate of 3.2 mm per year according to recent observations of the IPCC. One of the main factors in sea level rise is thermal expansion, where greenhouse gases, especially CO2, accumulate and generate heat (climate change), thereby melting glaciers in the polar regions. Two villages in Kampung Bungin Bekasi, Indonesia, have already been experiencing flooding. Climate change can be addressed by environmental conservation and utilization of renewable energy to reduce CO2 production. Environmental conservation can be conducted by planting mangroves, while renewable energy is achieved by using natural renewable resources. Planting 10,000 mangrove seeds through citizen participation and by researchers from the University of Indonesia could create a new coastal ecosystem, which could prevent abrasion and become the habitat of sea biota. Renewable energy based on wind power and solar cell such as wind turbines and photovoltaics (PV) has been installed and used for streetlights, mosque lamps, and freezers. The wind turbine used in this study is made from wood, which is easy to obtain, and is designed to be compatible with the characteristics of Bungin Village, with a capacity of 500 Wp per unit. The total capacity of PV is 1800 Wp, which includes 720 Wp floating PV capacity and 1080 Wp PV monocrystalline capacity. Floating technology is chosen because the coastal areas have limited available land and the soil condition (sand) is inappropriate as a foundation for PV. The installed renewable energy is integrated and completed with a battery system and online monitoring to monitor the site in real time anytime and anywhere.
Sofianita, Rifka; Surjosatyo, Adi; and Siregar, Sri Rachmawati (2019). Solution concerning climate change and utilization of Wind Turbine and Floating PV in Coastal Area. ASEAN Journal of Community Engagement, 3(2).