ASEAN Energy Awards 2023 - Best Practices in Renewable Energy Projects

26 August 2024

Executive Summary

The ASEAN Renewable Energy Project Awards 2023, known as the ASEAN RE Awards, celebrated a substantial increase in submissions compared to 2022, receiving 35 entries across various categories. This uptick in participation can be attributed to the organisation’s transition to in-person judging and the implementation of improved guidelines, fostering greater engagement within the renewable energy sector. The largest number of submissions came from Malaysia and Indonesia, closely followed by Thailand.

The 2023 Awards spotlighted the growing interest in the off-grid category, particularly in innovative and decentralised renewable energy solutions. In the off-grid category, Indonesian projects emerged as the primary winners, with strong showings from Malaysia and Thailand as runners-up.

Conversely, the on-grid category was dominated by Indonesia and Thailand, showcasing their leadership in grid-connected renewable energy projects. Indonesia particularly excelled in the biofuel and combined heat and power (CHP) segments. These winning projects introduced innovative approaches to sustainability, emphasising the use of used or waste feedstocks, such as used cooking oil and recovered fuels, highlighting their commitment to resource efficiency and environmental responsibility.

Special submissions, though not resulting in award winners, showcased a diverse range of impactful projects spanning various scales and contexts. These projects highlighted the breadth of actions being taken to promote and enhance renewable energy adoption across different regions.

Several recommendations were made to further enhance the upcoming ASEAN RE Awards:

  1. Detailed Descriptions and Scoring Criteria: The addition of more comprehensive project descriptions and scoring criteria was found to be effective in increasing participation. This approach allowed for a broader range of projects and innovative approaches to be recognised.
  2. Integration of Renewable and Conventional Energy Sources: Many winning projects emphasised the importance of combining renewable energy with conventional energy sources, such as co-firing biomass in coal-fired plants. This approach not only reduces emissions but also highlights the potential for harmonising different energy systems, promoting greater acceptance of renewable energy.
  3. Involvement of Local Communities: The winning projects illustrated that engaging local communities not only enhances acceptance but also contributes to the sustainability of projects. Community involvement fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility, driving the success of project initiation and long-term operation.
  4. Investment in Innovative Technologies: Several projects drew attention to the value of investing in innovative technologies to improve operational efficiency and address specific challenges. The adoption of cutting-edge technologies was shown to be a critical driver of success in the industry.
  5. Holistic Environmental Benefits: All of the winning projects demonstrated how their achievements extended beyond mere carbon emissions reduction. They addressed a wide array of environmental concerns simultaneously.

The ASEAN RE Awards 2023 celebrated outstanding achievements in renewable energy, fostering a culture of innovation and sustainability in the ASEAN region. These projects, while diverse in nature and still representing a minor share of the operational renewable energy projects, collectively represent a commitment to a greener and more sustainable future. They provide valuable insights and inspiration for the broader adoption of renewable energy solutions and collaboration across various sectors, transcending traditional boundaries.



Renewable Energy


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