Renewable Energy Development in Vietnam

The Government of Vietnam has always been aware of the importance of setting goals for electricity development to ensure sociol-economic development and national energy security. Indeed, in recent years, the improvement and extention of Vietnam’s electricity system have been remarkable in terms of both quality and reliability.

ACCEPT 2020 Year in Review

A challenging and historical year has passed, as people persevered and embraced the changes brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. ASEAN Climate Change and Energy Project (ACCEPT) is not an exception. We struggled to cope and adapt, optimizing online events, and collaborative efforts to advance our work on pursuing climate-friendly energy development in the region.

Vietnam‘s Energy Development in the Context of Climate Change

Vietnam is a Southeast Asian country, with Laos and Cambodia in the West borders, and China in the North borders. In 2017, Vietnam’s population was 86.92 million, GDP reached 5,005,975.0 billion VND, and GDP/person was USD 2,389.0 (in current dollars).