COVID-19 vs ASEAN Energy Sector: Electricity (Q3)

The power sector remains an industry that is recovering at the latest due to the pandemic. Until the first half of 2020, domestic electricity sales have not yet recovered, which is burdening electric companies entering survival mode.

Climate Actions Started to Blossom in Various Fonts Amid the Prolonged COVID-19 Winter

The Covid-19 pandemic is still ravaging the region, well into the third quarter of 2020. Struggling to patch the economic bust, ASEAN countries are churning out policies of economic recovery. Amid the struggle, we have seen potential climate actions blossoming in the region. As one of the most climate- vulnerable regions, the region started to get ready with more robust policies and strengthened commitments against climate change.

The Power of Words and Art in Energy Conservation

Art, social media campaigns and other communication tools can help raise awareness of the need to save energy. Here’s how.

Population growth has contributed to rising energy consumption around the world, and Southeast Asia has been no different. Between 2010 and 2018, the region’s energy demand rose by almost 22 percent–an increase almost double the global average. With energy efficiency one of the most powerful tools to slash greenhouse gas emissions and maintain energy security, the bloc must nurture sustainable energy systems that conserve energy where possible.

Work Near Home: Less Commute, Less Pollution, Less Stress

The COVID-19 pandemic forced us to modify our work system in several sectors, from working in the office to working at home. With the advancement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), some office works and meeting activities that are usually carried out offline and require a long journey can be replaced with virtual activities.

Climate Change Mitigation Efforts in ASEAN for #CleanAirForAll

All living beings on earth should thank the air, which gives life for every new-born, and its day by day growth. Have you ever wondered, though, is the air that we breathe everyday clean enough for us? A report by Breathelife mentions that about 3,8 million people die every year due to air pollution. How so? The air that we breathe, that gives us life, can also kill us due to the pollutants—the invisible killers.