Myanmar produced the highest production rate of electricity of 3,797 megawatts in November 2019 and the electricity demand is expected to be reached between 4,500 and 5,000 megawatts in 2020 summer, said Khin Maung Win, Deputy Minister for electricity and Energy.
It planned to generate about 900 megawatts of electricity by importing liquefied natural gas (LNG) for three LNG power plants. The ministry needs to replace old engines and turbines with new ones with good efficiency to generate 266 megawatts more from three LNG power plants, he said.
At the present, 2,906.62 miles of 230 KV power lines, 1,362.49 miles of 132 KV power lines and 5,115.54 miles of 66 KV power lines are built. A total of 67 230-KV sub-power stations, 42 132-KV sub-power stations and 296 66-KV sub-power stations are constructed. The ministry is building new power projects as they don’t have enough sub-power station.
The deputy minister said they are implementing power projects using fund from union government, states and regions funds in addition to long-term loans from JICA, ADB and World Bank with low interest rates.
Individual electricity consumption rate in Myanmar was 263 kilowatt hour in 2015-16 FY and now it is reached to 432 kilowatt hour. It is about 170 kilowatt hour more within five-year time, according to the ministry.
The individual electricity consumption rate in Myanmar was increased year by year and it was 263 kilowatt hour in 2015-16 FY, 301 kilowatt hour in 2016-17 FY, 335 kilowatt hour in 2017-18 FY, 379 kilowatt hour in 2018-19 FY and 432 kilowatt hour in 2019-20 FY respectively.