The Japanese corporation Fujita is conducting a feasibility study on implementing production of electricity and fertilizer from waste in Monywa, according to Kyaw Myo Win, chairman of Monywa Township Municipal Committee.

The Osaka based Zaibatsu will provide 40 percent through its Myanmar branch while the remaining 60 percent will be provided by the regional government.

“The project is in its initial stage. They are just conducting feasibility study. From waste disposal, they will produce fertilizer and then electricity,” said Kyaw Myo Win, chairman of Monywa Township Municipal Committee.

Monywa produces about 168 tons of garbage on a daily basis. The current system of waste disposal will damage the environment with limited space for waste dumps in the long run. This problem will become a huge issue in the future. For that reason, a feasibility study will be conducted to first to find out if a waste disposal system will be built in the first place with the company looking to conduct a field inspection of the three waste dumping areas.

Waste that comes out of Monywa include bio-waste from kitchens, other assorted rubbish like plastic bottles with the rest coming from agro businesses. The waste is currently being dumped in three separate areas, which have limited space and pose risk of environmental pollution.

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