Local fuel prices have continued to fall by Ks305 to Ks345 per liter over the past three months as global oil prices went down to around US$31 per barrel, according to local filling stations. The global oil price jumped to US$76 on October 3, 2018. It then fell to U$42 per barrel on December 24. It increased to around US$66 on April 23 last year. Then the price was US$55 on November 19, US$58 on November 29 and US$56 on December 4. The price increased to around US$63 on January 8 this year and decreased again to around US$57 on January 15, around US$53 on January 31 and around US$51 on February 3. Then, it was US$63 on January 8, US$49 on February 10, US$53 on February 22, around US$41 on March 7 and around US$31 on March 13.