BANGKOK: The Department of Land Transport is joining the campaign for cleaner air by offering incentives to those who use clean energy vehicles (pic).

Jantira Buruspat, deputy director-general for Operations, revealed that the increase in particulate matter smaller than 2.5 microns is partly due to incomplete fuel combustion of cars that use fossil fuels, affecting the health and quality of life of people.

The department wants to encourage the use of alternative energy instead of fuel by reducing the annual vehicle tax on electric vehicles.

The tax for a passenger electric car with not more than seven seats will be calculated according to the weight of the car at the same rate as a fossil-fuel passenger car for more than seven people.

Vans, trucks, motorcycles including road rollers, tractors used in agriculture and taxicabs running between provinces that use electric power will be pay half the tax paid by a vehicle of the same type that uses fossil fuel.

For instance, personal motorcycles that use fossil fuel pay an annual tax of Bt100 per vehicle, while personal motorcycles powered by electricity will pay an annual tax of Bt50 per vehicle.

People can see details of various car tax rates on the website of the Department of Land Transport at

She added that as of December 31,2019, the number of registered vehicles nationwide was 40,712,043 vehicles — 27,749,524 gasoline-powered vehicles, 11,294,017 diesel fuel.

A total of 2,854 electric vehicles are registered, which includes 117 electric buses, while the number of hybrid electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids together total 153,184 vehicles. There are 53,407 natural gas vehicles and 313,440 natural gas vehicles. – The Nation/ANN

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