ASEAN International Conference On Energy And Environment (AICEE)

The 4th ASEAN International Conference on Energy and Environment
(The 4th AICEE)
in conjunction with
The ASEAN Energy Business Forum (AEBF) 2024
and the 42nd ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM)
Vientiane, Lao PDR | 25 September 2024
The AICEE is an official conference on energy and environment that has been held annually from 2021, hosted by ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE). ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) is an intergovernmental organisation within ASEAN structure that represents the 10 ASEAN Member States’ (AMS) interests in the energy sector. With their growing population and economic growth, AMS are expected to be a new global epicentrum of energy market in the future. This trend pushes energy security as one of the highest priorities in energy development in the region.
The first AICEE was taken place in Brunei Darussalam virtually during the pandemic, with the theme “ASEAN Energy Transition with Resiliency in the Post-Pandemic Climate Change Era.” In 2022, the second AICEE was conducted in a hybrid mode in Cambodia, in partnership with the 8th International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security (The 8th SUSTAIN). Last year, we successfully held a fully offline conference in Bali, Indonesia, that brings over 100 participants across the globe.
The AICEE serves as a platform for academia, policymakers, and the business sector to discuss energy and climate change issues in the ASEAN region. In conjunction with the ASEAN Energy Business Forum (AEBF) and the ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM), this conference aims to promote interdisciplinary and multi-stakeholder collaboration in ASEAN.
Steering Committee
- Dr Nuki Agya Utama (Executive Director of ASEAN Centre for Energy)
Scientific & Editorial Committee
Dr Ambiyah Abdullah—ASEAN Centre for Energy
Dr. Phoummixay Siharath—Department of Environmental Engineering, NUOL
Dr. Keophousone Phonhalath—Department of Environmental Engineering, NUOL
Dr. Sounthisack Phommachanh—Department of Environmental Engineering, NUOL
Prof. Haslenda Hashim—Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
Dr. Ho Wai Shin—Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
Dr. Zarina Ab Muis—Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
Prof. Benjamin C. McLellan—Kyoto Univeristy, Graduate School of Energy Science
Prof. Hideaki Ohgaki—Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University
Dr. Harifara Rabemanolontsoa—Kyoto University
Prof. Takashi Sagawa—Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University
Prof. Armando T. Quitain—Kumamoto University
Dr. Yenni Ciawi—Udayana University
Prof. Ida Ayu Dwi Giriantar—CORE Udayana University
Prof. I Nyoman Suprapta Winaya—Udayana University
Dr. Satya Kumara—Udayana University
Dr. Supawat Vivanpatarakij—Chulalongkorn University
Dr. Nitida Nakapreecha—Chulalongkorn University
Dr. Phimsupha Kokchang—Chulalongkorn University
Organising Committee
- Conference Chair
Dr Zulfikar Yurnaidi - Conference Program
Amira Bilqis
Auliya Febrianti - Public Relations
Rinda Rufaidah
Aurelia Syafina Luthfi - Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT)
Irfan Nasrullah - Design
Bayu Surya Prayogie