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  • Oil & Gas
16 October 2018


  • Singapore

SINGAPORE — To do more to limit global warming, Singapore can reduce the use of natural gas for its energy needs, boost the efficiency of buildings and transportation, and share environmental solutions with counterparts in South-east Asia, experts in the field said.

Their comments came in the wake of a new report by a United Nations body that said there would have to be  “unprecedented” changes to the way people generate and consume energy, use land and live, in order to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.

Responding to the same report published on Monday (Oct 8), Singapore’s Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources (MEWR) said that it would update the country’s climate projections no earlier than 2021.

The Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C was issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) from South Korea — where scientists and government representatives were, for the past week, considering what could happen to the planet and its population when temperatures warm by 1.5°C.

Scientists agreed that, more than ever, every bit of warming mattered. Current pledges by governments would at best yield warming of 3°C by the end of the century.

Asked if Singapore would relook its pledge as part of the 2015 Paris Agreement, MEWR said that the special report does not change Singapore’s assessment from its Second National Climate Change Study developed in 2015.

The 2015 study was based on the IPCC’s fifth assessment report, which accounted for future scenarios including warming of 1.5°C to 2°C and more, a ministry spokesperson said.

Based on this study, there is an elevated risk that Singapore will experience more extreme temperatures in a 2°C world, compared to a 1.5°C world.

“The special report does not change this assessment,” the spokesperson said.

“As part of our Paris Agreement pledge, Singapore has committed to put in place a holistic range of mitigation measures across various sectors to reduce our emissions. This includes improving our industrial energy efficiency and greening our buildings. We also announced the implementation of a carbon tax from 2019,” he added.

“The IPCC’s sixth assessment report is due to be published in 2021. We will update Singapore’s climate projections after (it) is released.”


In the past week, officials from the ministry and the National Climate Change Secretariat were in South Korea for the IPCC meeting.

The delegation was supported by Assistant Professor Winston Chow from the National University of Singapore’s geography department. Asst Prof Chow is a lead author for the IPCC’s sixth assessment report.

For mitigation, the biggest impact for Singapore would be to move away from using natural gas for power generation, towards the greater use of renewable energy such as solar or wind, Asst Prof Chow said.

About 95 per cent of Singapore’s electricity is produced from natural gas.

He told TODAY that natural gas is “the cleanest fossil fuel, but a fossil fuel no less”.

Singapore does not have the luxury of other mitigation efforts such as afforestation or carbon capture and storage, which require large-scale areas to be effective, Asst Prof Chow said.

Apart from tapping renewable energy, there is still potential for buildings and transportation in Singapore to reduce energy demand by becoming more energy-efficient or by using low-emission fuels, he added.


Agreeing on the need to de-carbonise, Professor Benjamin Horton from Nanyang Technological University’s Asian School of the Environment said that “urban planning is much needed”.

Much of existing climate research is oriented around technologies — air quality, water, fuel cells and biofuels, for instance. “A focus on technology, though common, is too narrow for South-east Asia,” he said.

Prof Horton, who is a review editor of the IPCC’s sixth assessment report, noted that Asia is rapidly catching up in understanding the causes of environmental problems and solutions. South-east Asian policymakers may be aware of the challenges facing the fragile ecosystems, but there are few places they can turn to for insight and advice.

“Of the 28 planning schools in South-east Asia, apparently none has a teaching programme on climate change. Education on planning for climate change is urgently required,” he added.

Singapore has experience in innovative urban planning and technological and urban governance models, Prof Horton said.

The Asian School of the Environment, which he chairs, aims to provide broad-based guidance on environmental policies in the region.

On the need to take action, Prof Horton said that the Paris Agreement must be upheld and strengthened. “Failure to radically cut global carbon emissions will mean disasters, such as the ones we have seen this summer, will become the new normal.”

Last month, Typhoon Mangkhut hit the Philippines, causing flooding and destruction. It is the world’s strongest storm by far since Typhoon Haiyan in 2013. Such superstorms have led to more discussions among researchers on how climate change plays a role in their formation.

Prof Horton said: “No nation, whether it’s large or small, rich or poor, will be immune from the impacts of climate and environmental change. We are already experiencing it in Singapore, where we are seeing floods on sunny days, extreme rainfall, winds and temperatures.”


International environmental organisations called on nations to respond to the IPCC’s special report.

Dr Andrew Steer, president and chief executive of the World Resources Institute, said: “The IPCC report is a wake-up call for slumbering world leaders.”

The devastation that would come with today’s 3 to 4°C trajectory would be vastly greater, and it is the poor who will be most affected, he said.

Dr Peter Frumhoff, director of science and policy at the Union of Concerned Scientists and former lead author of the IPCC, said that at the annual UN climate talks in Poland this December, countries should “commit to strengthen policies that cut global warming emissions, invest in measures to limit future climate risks, and do more to help communities cope with the climate impacts that are now unavoidable”.

“In addition, wealthier nations that bear greater responsibility for the global warming problem need to ramp up financial and technology support for actions by developing nations, to help create a better world for all of us.”


  • Under the global Paris climate agreement, Singapore has committed to cut its greenhouse gas emissions per dollar of gross domestic product by 36 per cent come 2030 — down from 2005 levels.
  • It is looking to stabilise emissions with the aim of peaking around the target year of 2030.
  • Last year, Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean said that by 2020, 5,500 public housing blocks will have solar panels, tripling the deployment of solar energy to 350 megawatt-peak, up from 126 megawatt-peak.
  • The plan is to have more than 1 gigawatt-peak after 2020, which will represent about 15 per cent of electrical power demand at peak during the day, Mr Teo said.
  • The Paris agreement, which will take effect after 2020, aims to hold the increase in global average temperature to well below 2°C, and pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C.
  • Oil & Gas
16 October 2018


  • Singapore
Brent crude oil prices are up more than 30 per cent this year and holding – but it won’t be a case of a rising tide lifting all boats. PHOTO: REUTERS

BRENT crude oil prices are up more than 30 per cent this year and holding – but it won’t be a case of a rising tide lifting all boats.

While the rally stirs hope for investors tracking the oil and gas sector, high oil prices are a concern for consuming companies in the aviation and transport sector.

OCBC Investment Research senior investment analyst Low Pei Han believes winners in a high oil price environment would include Keppel Corporation, Sembcorp Marine and by extension Sembcorp Industries.

She said: “Companies in the O&G industry should benefit…, though oil price is not the only determining factor in the near term.”

What counts is which part of the value chain the company operates in, as individual demand and supply dynamics within the sub-sector may have a greater impact over the near to medium term.

According to SGX Research, the share prices of five O&G plays in 3Q18 have rebounded substantially from their 12-month troughs – averaging a 69.3 per cent increase from their respective 52-week lows – tracking crude gains. Crude has risen about 17 per cent since mid-August, and hit a four-year high at US$86 a barrel last week.

These five players are Rex International, KrisEnergy, Falcon Energy, AusGroup and China Aviation Oil (CAO).

For example, Rex International saw its shares spike to a 52-week high at 11.7 Singapore cents on Oct 5 from its trough of 4 Singapore cents less than two months ago.

Both Rex International and KrisEnergy are oil and gas exploration and production companies while Falcon Energy provides services to worldwide clients in exploration to post-production.

AusGroup provides asset maintenance, construction, access, fabrication and marine services to the energy, mining, and industrial sectors in Asia Pacific. CAO engages in trading jet fuel and other petroleum products to airline companies worldwide.

CGS-CIMB’s head of equity research Lim Siew Khee told The Business Times that rig builders would rightfully benefit from higher oil prices and see orders coming in. But it may be a while before higher crude prices translate to new rig orders.

Ms Low said: “A supply glut and competition have stalled the momentum in orders. Sustained high oil prices rather than spikes in oil prices are more relevant to orders. ”

On the global oil stage, the imminent US sanctions on Iran and political and social strife in Venezuela have led to lower oil production. While big producing nations say supply is ample, hedge funds and speculators are increasingly sceptical of that argument, betting that oil prices could rally further as the embargo on Iranian exports comes into force in November.

However, industry observers here are more measured about the commodity’s price.

DBS Equity Research’s Suvro Sarkar expects a pullback in oil prices caused by greater output from the US, Russia and Saudi Arabia, and he recommends buying key O&G proxies in the region on pullback.

O&G stocks have had a good run alongside oil price, with key proxies like Sembcorp Marine rising about 30 per cent since mid-August, he noted.

But Mr Sarkar prefers Sembcorp Industries as its current valuation remains undemanding, and he sees a target price of S$3.90, a hefty 30 per cent above its last traded price of S$2.96.

In contrast, firms whose earnings may be pressured by higher oil prices include those in the transport sector such as Singapore Airlines (SIA) and ComfortDelGro, OCBC Investment Research’s Ms Low said.

However, amid sustained higher oil prices, these companies have the option of passing on some of the higher costs to consumers, and/or hedge some of their requirements to soften the blow, she added.

DBS analyst Paul Yong shares this view: “The sharp increase in oil price is negative for airlines generally, as jet fuel costs account for 25 to 45 per cent of operating costs; more so for low-cost carriers, though the impact on individual airlines would depend on how much and how well they have hedged their exposures.

“In our coverage, SIA is the best hedged with up to 46 per cent of its fuel requirements for the next four years hedged at a relatively low jet fuel price of US$65 to US$70 per barrel. ”

Corrine Png, founder of transport equities research firm Crucial Perspective, was recently reported as saying that though SIA has the best fuel hedging strategy among all the Asian airlines, its substantial fuel hedging gains cannot completely offset the negative fuel cost impact.

DBS’ Mr Yong also said that the Chinese carriers do not hedge any of their fuel requirements, but they do have significant pricing power on their domestic routes to offset some of the higher fuel costs.

“Garuda Indonesia would be the most affected carrier among names we cover as they have a relatively low fuel hedging position, less than 30 per cent at a relative high cost – more than US$70 a barrel for brent, and they are also impacted by a weak rupiah versus the US$,” Mr Yong noted.

There is less consensus on transport giant ComfortDelGro.

Colin Tan, analyst at CGS-CIMB, pointed out that ComfortDelGro would likely be impacted by higher fuel cost but this “can be mitigated by the use of hedging instruments” as it has done in the past.

In its FY17 annual report, ComfortDelGro stated that it is “exposed to fluctuations in fuel price in its bus and rail operations and diesel sales business”.

And it “seeks to hedge the price risk associated with its fuel needs after considering fuel indexation in its contracts with various local authorities and uses hedging instruments, where necessary, to achieve the desired hedge outcome”.

However, it added that at the end of FY17, the company did not have outstanding fuel hedges.

Phillip Securities investment analyst Richard Leow thinks that the impact of rising oil prices on ComfortDelGro is limited.

He explained that fuel & electricity is just the third-largest cost component for both SBS Transit and ComfortDelGro, amounting to 13 per cent and 9 per cent of their operating expenses respectively.

The largest cost component for both is labour cost, followed by repairs & maintenance.

Mr Leow added that for the bus contracting model, “there is fuel price indexation, so SBS Transit is insulated from fluctuation in fuel price though there is a time lag in the indexation,” he said.

“In short, there is almost no impact from rising diesel price for the bus business segment. Only the rail business has exposure to electricity price.”

And he highlighted that diesel for taxis is not an expense item for ComfortDelGro. Instead, taxi hirers are the ones who bear the cost of diesel, though ComfortDelGro sells it at a subsidised rate to them.

In addition, ComfortDelGro’s taxi fleet has been contracting, Mr Leow said.

  • Renewables
16 October 2018


  • Philippines

A GROUP of solar energy developers has stepped up its opposition to the nationwide franchise being sought by Solar Para Sa Bayan Corp. as it questioned the “low” electricity rates company owner Leandro L. Leviste claimed to offer.

In a statement, Philippine Solar and Storage Energy Alliance (PSSEA) said the cost of electricity being offered by Mr. Leviste’s project in Paluan, Mindoro Occidental “is way above” the P2.34 per kilowatt-hour (/kWh) he publicly declared as the power rate he is offering.

PSSEA said solar groups gathered the actual cost of electricity in his project from the billing statements of his customers in Paluan. Mr. Leviste operates in the town through the project of Solar Philippines Power Project Holdings, Inc., a company which he also leads. He previously said Solar Para Sa Bayan is an entity that he owns in his personal capacity.

PSSEA claims that based on its records, Solar Philippines has charged some of its customers more than P15/kWh, not the P2.98/kwh cost that Mr. Leviste has claimed.

“This information casts doubt on [Solar Para Sa Bayan’s] claims and should warn our lawmakers and regulators about the folly of gifting any single private company with a super franchise that the company could use to monopolize and capture rates,” PSSEA added.

In March this year, Solar Philippines announced the completion of the solar-battery microgrid in Paluan, with 2 megawatts (MW) of solar panels, 2 MW-hours of batteries, and 2 MW of diesel backup. The project is designed to supply reliable power “24 hours a day, 365 days a year, at 50% less than the full cost of the local electric coop.”

The project’s unveiling also marked the launch of Solar Para Sa Bayan, which aims “to bring cheaper, more reliable power to areas poorly served by utilities, in support of the Duterte administration’s aim to end energy poverty by 2022.”

Last week, Mr. Leviste said Solar Para Sa Bayan was already serving five areas — Dingalan, Aurora; Calayan, Cagayan; Claveria, Masbate; Dumaran, Palawan; and Lubang, Occidental Mindoro.

On Monday, Solar Para Sa Bayan said in a statement that thousands of small and medium-sized solar companies were joining forces to apply for solar minigrid franchises in Congress, “to create the first true electric cooperatives in the Philippines.”

It said solar business owners, sole proprietors and enthusiasts were pitching together an average of P20,000 per member to form cooperatives, including the First Philippine Solar Cooperative, the Anak Araw Multipurpose Cooperative, and the United Solar and Renewable Energy Cooperative.

Solar Para sa Bayan said these organizations are part of the Solar Energy Association of the Philippines (SEAP), which it described as “the country’s largest solar industry association composed of members of Solar Power Philippines, a Facebook group of over 120,000 Filipinos from across the country.”

This follows Solar Para Sa Bayan’s application for the country’s first minigrid franchise, which it said some power companies had claimed would unduly benefit one company at the expense of others.

16 October 2018


  • Indonesia

JAKARTA, NNC – Indonesia Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignasius Jonan onTuesday (10/09) received the visit of the Minister of Foreign Trade and Development of Finland, Anna-Mari Virolainen. The meeting was then followed by the 2018 Indonesia-Finland Business Seminar. During this visit, Finland brought business delegates representing various sectors.

Jonan revealed that the long-term cooperation relationship between Indonesia and Finland has developed in recent years. This collaboration has also produced results. “As we know, Indonesia and Finland have built a number of joint businesses, including diesel engine companies that have been implemented, including in Papua, as well as several companies engaged in new renewable energy,” said Jonan.

To the participants of this forum, Jonan also explained that the Indonesian government was focused on developing new renewable energy, such as through the obligation to use biodiesel mixture of 20 percent in diesel fuel oil, and establish regulations regarding Solar PV on rooftoop. “Renewable energy development in Indonesia is a long-term program, and is currently in its initial stages. Although the commitment in Paris has been signed in the summer of 2015, it is still valid today. We try to reach at least 23% of the energy mix by 2025. Often people ask whether this target can be achieved? Is it difficult? Or is it easy? Or does it makes sense? But I say realistically we will continue to strive to develop to achieve the target,” he said.

Indonesia also has a strong commitment in applying clean energy to increase energy supply. This is mandated in the National Energy Policy to change Indonesia’s energy sector by reducing oil consumption and expanding renewable energy. Likewise with the implementation of energy efficiency with a target to reduce energy intensity in all sectors by 1% per year.

“The commitment to reduce the greenhouse effect from 29% in 2030 is the main goal. Although it is not easy, we continue to try to disseminate the impact of reducing greenhouse gases to the public,” continued Jonan.

On this occasion, Minister Anna-Mari Virolainen also expressed her gratitude to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources for the opportunity given in business cooperation in the energy sector. “Some Finnish companies work in remote areas. This is a form of our commitment to support the Government of Indonesia in providing access to energy for all Indonesian people,” said Minister Anna-Mari Virolainen

Energy is a major factor in economic development and development. For this reason the Government of Finland is giving more attention to its energy management. Companies in Finland are very trying to create energy at affordable rates. This makes Finland one of the countries with low cost energy tariffs in Europe.

Indonesian Finnish cooperation has been carried out since 2011. During the period of 2011 to 2014, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources collaborated with the Government of Finland to implement the Energy and Environment Partnership with Indonesia/EEP Indonesia program. The program aims to improve energy access by utilizing renewable energy sources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce the impact of climate change and improve economic prosperity by utilizing renewable energy. The implementation was the construction of livestock-fueled biogas units in 15 villages, the use of biogas in sago flour mills, the construction of a biomass gasification system unit with two reactors that produced fuel gas and the use of high efficiency biomass stoves in six villages.

After the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding in 2015, the Indonesia-Finland Joint Working Group on Energy was held in Jakarta in 2016. Within the working group there was the Power Sub-Working Group, the Bioenergy Sub-Working Group, and the Sub-Working Group Energy Efficiency. Subsequently, on June 6, 2017, Indonesia – Finland Business Forum was held, which aims to encourage cooperation between business actors from both countries and increase direct investment to Indonesia in the energy sector.

Ending his speech, Jonan emphasized the importance of facilitating the private sector from two countries. Promotion of private sector relations in the exchange of expertise and development of renewable energy resources and energy conservation. Engagement between Indonesian and Finnish companies in the initiative will help accelerate the development of renewable energy and energy conservation also play an important role.

“I hope there will be a discussion that can produce a real business. I also hope this relationship can be improved through understanding a better new renewable energy sector so that our cooperation can be established in the long run.

  • Oil & Gas
16 October 2018


  • Malaysia

RAPID refinery completion will free MYR15-20 billion/year capex Oil price rebound allows Petronas to start new investment cycle Petronas spends MYR30 billion/year just to maintain reserves.

Singapore — Malaysia’s national oil company Petronas is poised for its next wave of investments, in line with the recent final investment decision on the LNG Canada project, as the completion of its RAPID refinery frees capex and higher oil prices boost cash flows.

With the 300,000 b/d RAPID project starting in early 2019, not only is MYR15-20 billion ($3.6-4.8 billion) in annual capex freed up, but Petronas has also received nearly MYR29.5 billion following the transaction with Saudi Aramco earlier this year, when the Middle Eastern oil producer joined the downstream project.

The additional cash gives Petronas further financial flexibility to either increase reserves or undertake longer-term projects like LNG Canada, according to Xavier Jean, senior director of corporate ratings at S&P Global Ratings.

This is a big shift from mid-2017, when oil prices were hovering around $50/b and the company was forced to shelve its Pacific NorthWest LNG project at Port Edward in British Columbia, Canada, citing “changes in market conditions.”

At the time, Petronas’ capex commitments were spread thin between maintaining the size of its petroleum reserves, downstream investments at the Pengerang RAPID refinery, dividend payments to the government and potentially high capex LNG projects in North America.

Petronas was in fact digging into its cash pile in order to finance an elevated capital spending plan and steady dividend distributions.

S&P Global Ratings estimated that Petronas’ spending on investments (mostly on its RAPID project and reserve replacement) and dividends exceeded the cash generated from its operations by nearly MYR27 billion ($6.5 billion) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2015, and by almost MYR17 billion for the year to December 31, 2016.

The state-run oil company needs to spend approximately MYR30 billion annually just to maintain its reserve life, Jean said.

Given its conservative financial policies and balance sheet management strategy, it’s no surprise why Petronas decided to call off the Pacific NorthWest LNG project that would have been difficult to finance without depleting cash reserves further.

But by the end of 2017, Brent crude prices had bounced back to $67/b and along with it, Petronas’ cash flows had strengthened.

Petronas’ annual capital spending is estimated to average MYR50 billion-MYR55 billion in 2018, 2019, and 2020, with spending geared toward completing downstream projects in 2018, and focused on growing reserves in 2019 and 2020, according to S&P Global Ratings.

Petronas didn’t respond to queries seeking comment on its capex spending.


In May 2018, Petronas surprised the market with the acquisition of a 25% stake in the LNG Canada project, which went on to reach a final investment decision earlier this week, for two trains with a capacity of 14 million mt/year.

The investment was suitable given Petronas’ declining domestic oil and gas production.

Petronas’ focus on resources and production in Malaysia, where more than half of its resources are located, is a relative weakness for its earnings quality compared with larger and more geographically diversified peers like Norway’s Equinor, Italy’s Eni SpA and China’s CNOOC Ltd, S&P Global Ratings said.

LNG Canada also allowed Petronas to exploit its acreage in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, first acquired through an investment in Calgary-based Progress Energy Resources in 2011, meant to develop the Montney shale gas assets in British Columbia.

Petronas holds an estimated 52 Tcf of resources in its North Montney acreage, making Canada the second-largest resource holder in its portfolio after Malaysia, according to Wood Mackenzie.

It expects Petronas’ share of capex in LNG Canada at $5 billion between 2018 and 2023 until the first LNG cargo is shipped, including spending on Montney feedgas exploitation. In addition to natural gas, Montney also yields 10-20% natural gas liquids that will boost returns.

Lastly, LNG Canada will add North American gas diversification to Petronas’ LNG portfolio that already comprises Malaysian LNG, Australian LNG from Gladstone and Egyptian LNG.

The project will start production in five years, when the net LNG balance in Asia is expected to tighten as demand starts outpacing supply, which will increase reliance on supplies from other regions, Jeff Moore, Asia LNG manager at Platts Analytics, said. Wood Mackenzie expects Petronas to maintain its long LNG position with 14 million mt/year of uncontracted LNG through to 2030, and LNG Canada contributing 3.25 million mt/year to this uncontracted tranche.

Petronas now needs to divert attention to boosting its upstream profile as global E&P spending gradually limps back to normal. It remains to be seen whether this will extend to the high profile Malaysian deepwater projects that had stalled at low oil.

Barclays said in its global 2018 E&P spending outlook that overall spending from Asia and Australia is expected to increase 6%, led by PetroChina and Petronas.

16 October 2018


THE launch in South Korea on Monday of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on avoiding runaway global warming hammered home some stark realities about the need to rapidly address climate change.

The report stated that keeping warming to 1.5 rather than two degrees could save 10 million people from losing their homes to rising sea levels. This is no small matter, particularly for Singapore, which is already investing millions of dollars in protecting critical infrastructure from rising seas. Singapore expects sea levels to rise by 0.76 metres by 2100.

Faced with rising sea levels and more powerful storms as the climate changes, airports around the world are having to invest in protective measures including higher runways, seawalls and better drainage systems. Of the world’s top 50 airports in terms of air traffic, 15 are at an elevation of less than 10 metre above sea level, making them particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

Given the impact on investments, it’s no surprise that financial institutions around the world are starting to address the self-defeating strategy of enabling greenhouse-intensive projects that damage value in investments elsewhere. Since burning coal is the largest culprit in terms of carbon emissions, it stands to reason that the dirtiest of the fossil fuels would be the first item on the chopping block.

In September, Standard Chartered became the latest institution to rule out finance for “any new coal-fired power plant projects, including expansions, in any location”. It follows hot on the heels of Singapore’s big three banks (DBS, OCBC and UOB), Japan’s big three banks (MUFG, SMBC and Mizuho) as well as HSBC, which have all made positive moves this year and updated their policies on coal lending.

Clear, scientific reality

While its peers in Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan have fiddled around the margins with their coal policies, leaving the door open to finance new coal plants of particular types or in particular locations, Standard Chartered’s is the only policy that recognises the clear, scientific reality: if we are to avoid runaway climate change, we need to stop building new dirty coal power plants, full stop.

Standard Chartered has also been a major player in the coal market. Since 2010, it has loaned at least US$1.8 billion to coal power, including US$820 million to projects that added 10.6 Gigawatts of additional coal power capacity.

It was also active in syndicates for several new coal power plants prior to the policy update. But those projects are now incompatible with a policy that rules out an energy source that – in the words of Standard Chartered’s chair, Jose Viñals – results in “pollution that poisons both the environment and the people that live in it, higher temperatures that contribute to extreme weather conditions and destroy habitats, and rising sea levels”.

Those new coal power proposals will now need to look elsewhere for finance. And today, that elsewhere could mean Singapore.

Unfortunately, whilst Singapore is under threat from the affects of climate change and its government is in the midst of a vital “year of climate action”, coal developers in Vietnam and elsewhere could still find a sympathetic ear and an open chequebook among Singaporean banks.

Relic of the past

It’s a bad look and frankly it does not seem like particularly smart business. In key markets around the world, the price of solar and wind energy has already dipped below that of coal. Coal power is already a relic of the past, squeezed out by tightening climate regulations and renewable energy, which continues to decline in cost and improve in technology with every passing month.

No wonder then that as far back as 2015, global investment in renewables was already double that of coal.

There’s no shortage of studies demonstrating that Singapore’s neighbours can power their growth with clean renewable energy and Vietnam in particular is rapidly scaling up. Back in July, Singapore’s Sunseap began construction of the country’s largest solar plant in Vietnam’s Ninh Thuan province.

In October 2015, Asean countries made a collective commitment to increase renewable energy by 2025 to 23 per cent of the region’s energy mix. To achieve this goal, the region needs to invest US$27 billion annually.

But as things stand, Singaporean banks are doing little to meet that target. In fact, over the past five years DBS, OCBC, and UOB loaned nearly eight times as much to coal than renewable energy in Asean.

Given our understanding of the science of climate change, coupled with the investment opportunities in clean energy, this situation has to change. Standard Chartered has raised the bar for all banks active in South-east Asia. Are DBS, OCBC and UOB up to the challenge?

  • Bioenergy
16 October 2018


  • Indonesia

NUSA DUA, Indonesia (Reuters) – Indonesia is looking into converting two of the country’s older crude oil refineries into plants for producing biofuels, a cabinet minister said on Tuesday.

The government is conducting a study with Italian energy company ENI, which has successfully converted one of its refineries to the production of biofuels, Rini Soemarno, the minister overseeing state-controlled companies, told reporters on the sidelines of the IMF-World Bank annual meetings in Bali.

The move is part of a drive to reduce energy imports as the government tries to narrow the country’s current account gap amid emerging market volatility that has dragged the rupiah currency to its weakest in over 20 years.

ENI is conducting a study on state energy company Pertamina’s [PERTM.UL] Plaju and Dumai refineries, which were built around the 1930s, according to Soemarno.

“We have been planning to modernize those refineries, but we found out that they could be turned (into biofuel plants) – most likely these two will be converted,” Soemarno said.

According to Pertamina’s website, the Plaju plant has an oil refining capacity of 133,700 barrels per day (bpd), with Dumai at 170,000 bpd.

Indonesia’s biodiesel drive also aims to absorb the country’s rising crude palm oil output amid sluggish global demand. Indonesia is the world’s top producer of the commodity.

Starting in September, Indonesia enforced a mandatory use of B20 fuel, which has 20 percent bio-content mix, for all diesel machines in the country, including train locomotives and heavy equipment.

Government officials have estimated the nation could save billion of dollars in energy imports per year through the B20 program.

  • Renewables
16 October 2018


  • Philippines

Floating solar farms are more technically efficient than ground-mounted projects because the cooling effect of the surrounding water on the panels makes the panels produce more energy. As an archipelago with bodies of water, the Philippines has a huge potential for floating solar farms.

According to a recent report, a 10 kilowatt-peak (kWp) floating solar farm was commissioned on Laguna Lake within Baras, Rizal province. This intended to supply the town with clean and free energy.

The project is the first floating solar farm in the Philippines, thereby opening the possibility of using energy from the sun beyond the traditional ground-based and rooftop-mounted systems.

The sustainable energy firm that launched it aims to show the technical feasibility of floating solar technology in the country.

The technology involves deploying solar photovoltaic panels on the surface of a body of water. The technology has been deployed in many other countries, such as Japan, China and the United States.

The 10kWP project is designed to last for 25 years. A connecting station was also built, allowing residents to use the power generated for charging gadgets, powering sound systems, and lighting up the river.

One of the advantages of floating solar farms over ground-mounted solar facilities is that no farm or forest lands are used. No trees are required to be cut.

Moreover, floating solar farms also mitigate water evaporation and the proliferation of algae in the lake, and may help aquatic and marine life to flourish.

The project also has the potential to improve the community and boost local tourism and economy.

Floating solar farms are more technically efficient than ground-mounted projects because the cooling effect of the surrounding water on the panels makes the panels produce more energy.

The pilot project would provide free renewable energy to the municipality of Baras. The solar farm is equipped with a battery storage system that ensures a sustainable power flow.

The pilot also forms part and paves the way for the development of a much larger and commercially-viable project, also being executed by the sustainable energy firm.

As an archipelago with inland and offshore bodies of water, the Philippines has a huge potential for floating solar farms.

This technology could also make use of lakes created by abandoned open-pit mining by deploying solar panels on top of it.

Prior to the commissioning of the solar farm, a tripartite memorandum of agreement was signed by the company, together with the town and the Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA), on 14 August 2018 for the pilot project.

The mission of the Laguna Lake Development Authority is to manage, develop and transform the Laguna de Bay Region into a vibrant economic zone through conservation of lake basin resources and good governance with the participation of empowered and responsible stakeholders.

In 1993, through Executive Order 149, the administrative supervision over the Agency was transferred from the Office of the President to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

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