Data Sharing Framework and Guidelines to Accelerating the Expansion of Multilateral Power Trading in ASEAN

21 October 2024


This document outlines a proposal for the ASEAN Data-Sharing Framework and Guidelines, which is part of the strategy to accelerate the ASEAN Power Grid (APG) and expand multilateral electricity trading. It includes a detailed plan for data exchange, covering objectives, purpose, a step-by-step approach and necessary considerations.

The proposal is based on:

  • Prior discussion papers and workshops conducted to advance data exchange related to the APG.
  • Group discussions among policy makers, regulators and utilities during the 3rd Data- Sharing workshop conducted on 24 June 2024, during the 42nd Senior Officials Meeting on Energy (SOME).

Key recommendations:

  • Step-by-Step Approach to Data Exchange: A roadmap is proposed for a step-by-step approach to data exchange, starting with the sharing of historical data and gradually moving towards more detailed and planning-oriented data.
  • Shared Data: Data for the first steps of the roadmap should be classified as general and public. Only for the third and last step of the roadmap should confidential data be considered.
  • Central Platform and Governance: The ASEAN Energy Database System (AEDS) is proposed as the central platform for data exchange, which should be further developed to support standards and automation.
  • First Step: Pathfinder Data-Sharing Project: The first step involves a Pathfinder Data Sharing Project, which will share annual, historical data at the grid level first and later increase the level of detail to monthly data and substation level.
  • Regulatory and Governance Considerations: Regulatory and governance considerations include the need for high-level regulation to support both the Roadmap and the Pathfinder project so as to ensure long-term success and the engagement of the ASEAN member states (AMS).



ASEAN, ASEAN Power Grid, Power


ASEAN Centre for Energy

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