ASEAN RE-Gender Roadmap

5 August 2022


The role of the energy-gender nexus in accelerating renewable energy deployment in ASEAN remains underexplored. Current gender disparities severely impede the enhancement of women’s roles and opportunities in the renewable energy sector, and hinder women’s contributions to the energy transition. In addition to bringing attention to gendered issues and solutions at the renewable energy (RE) policy level, ASEAN is also attempting to support the achievement of its RE targets listed in the ASEAN Plan of Action on Energy Cooperation (APAEC) Phase II: 2021-2025 and to realise an inclusive and just energy transition as agreed at the 39th ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM) Joint Ministerial Statement in 2021.  Hence, ASEAN is developing this regional roadmap in order to incorporate a gender-responsive approach specifically relating to RE policymakers.  This roadmap aims to chart a pathway which weaves women’s potential contributions into ASEAN’s emerging renewables market, creating a positive snowball effect which promotes gender equity, accelerates climate mitigation efforts and bolsters RE investments.



Renewable Energy


ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE)

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