ASEAN Energy and Gender Report: Development Finance

8 April 2022


The “ASEAN Energy and Gender Report: Development Finance” report opens with a discussion of the interplay among gender equality, energy access and economic improvement, and serves as background behind the main research question.

Following this is an outline of the funding received in ASEAN for energy and gender related programmes between 2010 and 2019, then data-driven recommendations for policymakers who are involved in planning the funding initiatives aimed at raising the level of gender equality in energy projects.

The report was written by internal staff at the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE). The analysis was based on data and information collected from various reliable sources: official reports from the governments of the ten ASEAN Member States, the private sector and international organisations.



Energy Efficiency and Conservation, Energy-Climate, Gender Equality


Monika Merdekawati, Gabriella Ienanto, Crescencia Valentina, Helena Aurellia

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