COVID-19 Struggle Remains, But Countries Gear Up for Climate Action

As the end of the pandemic seems to be further than expected, the development of climate-friendly technologies would require proper incentives, in both supply and demand sides. For example, tariff reduction or even exemption could ease the consumers to survive during the pandemic, providing chances to manage economic activities in a sustainable way.

The Future of Mobility: Less or No Mobility at All?

Transportation has evolved over time, from relying on human power alone, animal riding and wheels that improved the speed and range of mobility. Then came the steam engine, combustible engine, gas engine, even an electric motor.

COVID-19 vs ASEAN Energy Sector: Oil & Gas (Q2)

The winding road as an impact of pandemic gives pressure in the oil and gas market. It became a serious challenge to survive amid unfavourable circumstances, such as putting off some projects, cutting output, and tightening financial policy.

COVID-19 vs ASEAN Energy Sector: Renewables (Q2)

Renewable Energy projects continuously experience inevitable struggles during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, currently, ASEAN governments see that RE could be an integral part of re-building energy resiliency of the region as the new normal begin.

COVID-19 vs ASEAN Energy Sector: Electricity (Q2)

In the mid-end pandemic, as countries including the ones in struggles began to reopen the economy, the overall electricity demand is yet to recover. This reopening economy requires power utility companies to review the electricity masterplan and to prioritise towards more sustainableenergy projects, while also secure their budget.

Energy-Climate Situation in Brunei Darussalam

Brunei Darussalam is an oil and gas-rich country, with more than 90 percent of the total national export is accounted from these alone. The country is one of the largest producers of oil in Southeast Asia and it produced about 111,500 barrels of oil per day on average (2018).

Vietnam‘s Energy Development in the Context of Climate Change

Vietnam is a Southeast Asian country, with Laos and Cambodia in the West borders, and China in the North borders. In 2017, Vietnam’s population was 86.92 million, GDP reached 5,005,975.0 billion VND, and GDP/person was USD 2,389.0 (in current dollars).