Bank Climate Actions and Their Implications for the Coal Power Sector

To review the newly submitted and updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) of the ten ASEAN Member States ahead of the COP26.
Bank Climate Actions and their Implications for the Coal Power Sector: Indonesia

Indonesia Needs Renewable Energy Law to Pave Way for Cleaner Energy

Given its abundant renewable energy potential, Indonesia has set an ambitious target of increasing the share of renewable energy.
Indonesia – Perspective of Women towards Inclusive Energy Transition in ASEAN

From Indonesia, Andriah Feby Misna, Director of Bioenergy Directorate General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Republic of Indonesia, gave her perspective on women in the Energy-Climate with her writing with the title “Perspective of Women towards Inclusive Energy Transition in ASEAN”.
ACCEPT 2020 Year in Review

A challenging and historical year has passed, as people persevered and embraced the changes brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. ASEAN Climate Change and Energy Project (ACCEPT) is not an exception. We struggled to cope and adapt, optimizing online events, and collaborative efforts to advance our work on pursuing climate-friendly energy development in the region.
How Creative Industry Increases People’s Awareness on Climate Change

Climate issues are often described by researchers in an abstract and impersonal way. Most people would end up considering it as a distant problem, both in time and place. If this continues, it would be a disaster since climate change mitigation efforts are something that we need to work on collectively.
Potential Impacts of EV on Developing Countries’ Electricity Systems and How to Mitigate Them

Currently, countries around the world are exerting efforts to promote electric vehicles in their roads. Compared to conventional vehicles, electric vehicles are cheaper to operate. Further, due to advancement in technology and trend in the transportation industry, the cost of ownership becoming lower and more affordable to the general public.