Understanding and Appreciating the Resilience of Energy Storage

The concept of utility-scale energy storage remains fairly uncharted grounds for power utilities, government authorities, and even renewable energy players, and there is a significant lack of knowledge and understanding to combat rising demand challenges. Equip Global recently had the privilege to interview Beni Suryadi, Manager of Power, Fossil Fuel, Alternative Energy and Storage in ASEAN Centre for Energy about his views on common challenges and top innovations in developing a flexible and resilient energy supply and its critical role in global reconstruction.

Advancing Women’s Involvement in ASEAN Energy Transition

The ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation, the framework of energy cooperation in the region, stipulates the aspirational targets of achieving 23 percent renewable energy share in the total primary energy supply and 32 percent energy intensity reduction by 2025.

Highlighting the Four Pillars of ASEAN Energy Cooperation in Achieving Sustainable Development

The world’s population continues to increase rapidly and is predicted to skyrocket in the future, with Southeast Asia as one of the centres of its growth. According to the 6th ASEAN Energy Outlook (AEO6), ASEAN is predicted to have 768 million inhabitants in 2040. With such a large population, innovations – coupled with collaborations – are needed so that the needs for food, water, and energy can be met sustainably. In determining sustainable energy planning, four important aspects must be considered, namely energy security, accessibility, affordability, and sustainability.

A Review of Renewable Energy Development and Its Policy under Nationally Determined Contributions in ASEAN


ASEAN’s energy demand is projected to expand 2.4 times by 2040 according the 5th ASEAN Energy Outlook. In 2040, ASEAN’s GDP is projected to have a threefold increase from only USD 2.56 trillion in 2015 and the region’s total population grows to over 760 million with 0.7% per year on average comparing to 630 million in 2015. Rising energy demand will influence the security of ASEAN energy supply and the ability to generate economic value while these lead ASEAN transforming to be a more energy-intensive economy in the region.