Under the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2016-2025 Phase 2: 2021-2025, ACE will conduct a regional project to support the achievement of ASEAN’s vision on energy transition by exploring the innovative and potential of emerging low-carbon energy technologies under ASEAN Low-Carbon Energy Technologies Roadmap (ALERT) supported by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) Japan. For Phase I of ALERT, a study on ASEAN’s long-term strategy for low-carbon hydrogen and ammonia will be conducted.

This study aims to map out the development of new emerging low-carbon technology, specifically low-carbon hydrogen and ammonia and the potential role it could play as a long-term strategy for the decarbonisation of the ASEAN energy sector. Therefore, ACE seeks consultancy services to support the project activities to deliver the project’s output.


Duration of Engagement

The consultant awarded with the assignment will be hired for up to eight (8) months from February until September 2024, obliged to work within the required deadlines, and available for calls or meetings, virtually and in person, as needed.


The Objective

The study objectives are:

  1. Map the ASEAN countries’ energy transition and climate target, plan, roadmap and priorities, particularly if the countries indicate the role of hydrogen utilisation as a long-term decarbonisation option
  2. Map the existing hydrogen demand and supply and the projection of future hydrogen demand and supply in ASEAN as a region, with detailed country analysis for countries that already indicate the plan for developing hydrogen
  3. Map the (existing and potential) market players of low-carbon hydrogen in ASEAN and its surrounding region.
  4. Analyze where (sectors and possible utilisation) and when low-carbon hydrogen technology is used for AMS countries interested in pursuing low-carbon hydrogen and ammonia.
  5. Provide an analysis of the global and ASEAN market projection for low-carbon hydrogen to identify the opportunities of ASEAN in developing competency in hydrogen technologies
  6. Provide an analysis of national and regional drivers, enablers and challenges for ASEAN to use these technologies in the region, considering the hydrogen production, utilisation, and infrastructure needs (transport and storage)
  7. Identify the region’s low-hanging fruit options for developing those technologies in the near and longer term.
  8. Recommend high-level short, medium, and long-term strategies for hydrogen and ammonia in ASEAN for production, utilization, and infrastructure

Submission of Application

The proposal should be submitted to [email protected] and cc [email protected] by 9 February 2024 (GMT+7).

Technical and Financial proposals are to be submitted as two (2) separate electronic files. The proposals are to be submitted in pdf format.

Please indicate the subject heading: Document for ALERT Consultant.