

ASEAN Centre for Energy invites bids for a project as a buyer or supplier. Listed below are bidding and tender list.

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Expert on Biofuel Market, Technologies, and Policy in ASEAN

No Winners Yet :


9 August 2024


The ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) is an intergovernmental organisation that independently represents the 10 ASEAN Member States (AMS) interests in the energy sector. The Centre serves as a catalyst for the economic growth and integration of the ASEAN region by initiating and facilitating multilateral collaborations and collective energy activities. It is guided by a Governing Council composed of Senior Officials on Energy from each AMS and a representative from the ASEAN Secretariat as an ex-officio member. The ACE office is in Jakarta, hosted by Indonesia’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

As part of the efforts to fulfil its function as a regional centre of excellence that builds a coherent, coordinated, focused and robust energy policy agenda and strategy for ASEAN, ACE conducts joint studies, policy dialogues and capacity buildings for AMS to support the implementation of the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2016-2025. APAEC is the blueprint for enhancing energy connectivity and market integration in ASEAN to achieve energy security, accessibility, affordability, and sustainability for all AMS.

Concerning the above and alignment with the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) Phase 2: 2021-2025[1] Outcome Based Strategy 5, Action Plan 5.2 to analyse the potential of biofuel and bioenergy for energy sector decarbonisation, ACE will develop a report to explore the biofuel market potential in ASEAN, focusing on enhancing regional energy cooperation through policy, trade, and technology. In collaboration with ERIA, this report will address serve as a beacon for the RE-SSN in crafting a nuanced framework for biofuel cooperation between member states.

This report targets include assessing the gap between biofuel demand and the growing economies of ASEAN, emphasizing the need for more ambitious regional goals. The report will examine the blending targets, policy frameworks, and incentives that shape biofuel trade and pricing, and identifies key stakeholders and opportunities for collaboration. Additionally, it will provide an overview of industry production trends, key players, and trade flows, while addressing challenges such as competing feedstock uses and trade frictions. Ultimately, the report aims to lay the groundwork for a comprehensive roadmap to drive ASEAN towards a sustainable and energy-secure future. Therefore, ACE seeks consultancy services to support the project activities to deliver the project’s output.


The consultant awarded with the assignment will be hired for up to nine (9) months from September 2024 to May 2025, obliged to work within the required deadlines, and available for calls or meetings, virtually and in person, as needed.

The consultant will undertake this project for a period in line with Table 1 of clause VI, which can be continuous or intermittent due to further discussion between ACE and the consultant.


The consultant will assist ACE and ERIA in developing a comprehensive report on the biofuel market potential for regional cooperation in ASEAN. The consultant will conduct detailed analyses of policy, trade, and technology dimensions of biofuel, identify challenges and opportunities, and provide policy recommendations to foster a coordinated and impactful biofuel development framework. The final content of the report is subject to change based on the discussions and agreement between ACE, ERIA, and the consultant.

The objective of the assignment is to:

  1. Assess the Biofuel Demand and Economic Growth: Analyse the gap between biofuel demand driven by renewable energy (RE) targets and the expanding economies of ASEAN nations. Project the biofuel shares according to regional renewable energy targets and economic growth.
  2. Evaluate Policy Frameworks and Blending Targets: Examine the policy frameworks across ASEAN nations, including blending targets, trade policies, pricing mechanisms, and financing strategies that shape the biofuel market.
  3. Analyze Industry Trends and Key Players: Provide an in-depth overview of biofuel production trends, key producers, and trade flows within ASEAN and with other regions.
  4. Identify Market Limitations and Challenges: Highlight limitations such as competing feedstock uses, trade frictions, and geopolitical factors affecting the biofuel market.
  5. Propose Policy Recommendations: Develop coordinated policy recommendations to enhance biofuel development, facilitate cross-border trade, and leverage technological advancements within ASEAN.

The scope of the assignment for the technical experts are:

  1. Collect relevant data from ACE’s and ERIA’s repositories, national policy documents, past studies, peer-reviewed literature, and other sources.
  2. Analyse biofuel demand projections, blending targets, policy frameworks, and industry trends.
  3. Deliver a preliminary presentation of the findings at the pre-determined deadline from ACE and ERIA.
  4. Structure the report to serve as a comprehensive reference for multiple stakeholders, covering areas in policy, industry trends, and market limitations.
  5. Develop a detailed report or study containing the information on fuel demand projection, biofuel policy, industry trends, and market limitations.
  6. Prepare the presentation and summary for workshop/knowledge-sharing/focus group discussions (FGD).


The implementation of the project is arranged as below:

  • The Sustainable Renewable Energy (SRE) Department of ACE and ERIA team will lead and be responsible for the project’s full implementation. ACE will manage and facilitate the work and communication with government officials from ASEAN (RE-SSN focal points), SOME, and AMEM. Both ACE and ERIA will also be responsible for engagement with relevant stakeholders (authorities, enterprises, financial institutions, and research institutes) if needed.
  • External Consultant to provide the technical expertise and support as described in this TOR. During the work period, the consultant must have regular check-in call meetings with ACE to discuss progress in every step of the work. Any interaction with the external parties to support the project by the consultant must be approved by ACE and ERIA.


ACE and ERIA require a consulting service provider or technical experts with proven experience and capacity to execute the necessary tasks and deliverables for this study on biofuel market potential in ASEAN as described above.

  1. The expertise of the firm/organisation:
    • The consulting service provider or technical experts should demonstrate proven records of delivery for similar tasks/products over the past five years. Bidders must attest to their expertise by submitting examples of relevant reports, studies, analyses, consultancy products, and research related to biofuel market analysis, policy frameworks, and regional cooperation.
    • Specific experience in biofuel market analysis, renewable energy policy, and regional energy cooperation within ASEAN is essential.
  2. Team capabilities:
    • The team should include a senior consultant or technical staff member with more than ten years of experience in renewable energy and biofuel sectors, particularly within ASEAN.
    • The senior consultant should be supported by a team with adequate skills and experience in biofuel production, policy analysis, and trade dynamics.
  3. Expertise and knowledge:
    • Expertise in existing national governmental policies related to biofuels, renewable energy, and trade within ASEAN.
    • Knowledge in biofuel technologies, production & consumption trends, biofuel feedstock options & trends, market dynamics, and financing options in ASEAN.
    • Understanding of regulatory frameworks, trade policies, and pricing mechanisms affecting the biofuel market in ASEAN.
  4. Language and Communication Skill:
    • Excellent command of English and the capacity to write high-quality reports in the language; the ability to deliver high-quality workshops and discussions in English is also required.
  5. Capacity and Flexibility:
    • The consulting service provider must demonstrate the capacity and flexibility to complete the assignment within the required time frame, ensuring adherence to deadlines and project milestones.



The proposal should be submitted to [email protected] and cc [email protected] and [email protected] by 9 August 2024 (GMT+7).

Technical and Financial proposals are to be submitted as two (2) separate electronic files. The proposals are to be submitted in pdf format

Please indicate the subject heading: Document for Biofuel Market Potential Study in ASEAN Region

Expert on ASEAN Renewable Energy Power Development

No Winners Yet :


29 July 2024

The ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) is an intergovernmental organisation that independently represents the 10 ASEAN Member States (AMS) interests in the energy sector. The Centre serves as a catalyst for the economic growth and integration of the ASEAN region by initiating and facilitating multilateral collaborations and collective energy activities. It is guided by a Governing Council composed of Senior Officials on Energy from each AMS and a representative from the ASEAN Secretariat as an ex-officio member. The ACE office is in Jakarta, hosted by Indonesia’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
As part of the efforts to fulfil its function as a regional centre of excellence that builds a coherent, coordinated, focused and robust energy policy agenda and strategy for ASEAN, ACE conducts joint studies, policy dialogues and capacity buildings for AMS to support the implementation of the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2016-2025. APAEC is the blueprint for enhancing energy connectivity and market integration in ASEAN to achieve energy security, accessibility, affordability, and sustainability for all AMS.
Concerning the above and alignment with the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) Phase 2: 2021-20251 Outcome Based Strategy 2, Action Plan 2.1 to conduct in-depth analysis to increase renewable energy deployment, ACE will conduct a regional in-depth assessment to scale up renewable energy deployment in the ASEAN power sector. Supported by USAID Smart Power Program (SPP), this assessment will address issues on renewable energy development by identifying opportunities to enhance renewable energy penetration and diversify RE technologies in ASEAN.
The study aims to assess current renewable energy policy, financing and technical development in ASEAN and seek opportunities from the gap findings to empower AMS to develop more strategic energy cooperation in developing RE. It is also targeted as a valuable resource for not only policymakers but also state-owned and private utilities, developers, independent power producers (IPP), and financial institutions that seeking a deeper understanding of intricacies surrounding RE integration in the region. Therefore, ACE seeks consultancy services to support
the project activities to deliver the project’s output.

The consultant awarded with the assignment will be hired for up to six (6) months from August 2024 to January 2025, obliged to work within the required deadlines, and available for calls or meetings, virtually and in person, as needed.

The consultant will undertake this project for a period in line with Table 1 of clause VI, which can be continuous or intermittent due to further discussion between ACE and the consultant.

The consultant will assist ACE in developing the report on approaches to scale up RE deployment in ASEAN through analysis of multiple dimensions from RE: gap analysis, overview of policy, technology, finance, and recommendation on policy and coordination. The structure of the end report is indicated in Annex A. The final content is subject to change based on the discussion and agreement between ACE and the consultant.

The objective of the assignment is to assess:

  1. Analyse the gap between renewable energy (RE) status vs national target and expected
    contribution of each member state in fulfilling the regional target.
  2. Analyse the diversity of RE technology in the current power development plan (PDP),
  3. Map the Governance of RE development in AMS, e.g., the regulatory framework, market structure, and institutional coordination, monitoring tools,
  4. Identify Challenges of RE project development from various aspects,
  5. Map the Role of state-owned and private enterprises, and financial institutions in RE expansion plan,
  6. Identify Investment needs and financing opportunities for state-owned and private enterprises,
  7. Identify Integration with ASEAN’s existing platforms, such as ASEAN taxonomy for sustainable finance, ASEAN catalytic green finance facility, ASEAN infrastructure fund; other national level facilities, such as Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) in Indonesia and Vietnam; and international level, such as Green Climate Fund (GCF).
  8. Recommend options of regional energy cooperation, such as financing facility, dialogues, regulatory harmonisation of cross-border financing and electricity trade, capacity buildings, etc,

The scope of the assignment for the technical experts are:

  1. Collect relevant data, analysis, and references to build the analysis.
  2. Deliver the preliminary presentation at the pre-determined deadline from ACE,
  3. Structure the report as a reference for multiple stakeholders, including areas in policy, financing and technologies,
  4. Develop the final report based on the technical notes shared by ACE.
  5. Prepare the concept note and guiding questions for discussion, presentation and summary for knowledge-sharing/focus group discussions (FGD).


The implementation of the project is arranged as below:

  • Led by the Sustainable Renewable Energy (SRE) Department and SPP’s Project Management Unit (SPP PMU), ACE is responsible for the project’s full implementation. It will manage and facilitate the work and communication with government officials from ASEAN (RE-SSN focal points), SOME, and AMEM, including with other official parties, if needed.
  • External Consultant to provide the technical expertise and support as described in this TOR. The consultant is responsible for communicating with external parties required under this project, particularly private sectors or companies. During the work period, the consultant must have regular check-in call meetings with ACE to discuss progress in every step of the work. Any interaction with the external parties to support the project by the consultant must be approved by ACE.


ACE requires a consulting service provider or technical experts with proven experience and capacity to provide the necessary tasks, outputs/deliverables as described above.

  • The expertise of the firm/organisation: The consulting service provider or technical experts should demonstrate proven records of delivery for similar tasks/products over the most recent five years. Bidders to attest their expertise by submitting, e.g. reports, studies, analysis, consultancy products, research analyses and data management related to the aim of the consultancy.
  • Team capabilities: The team involving a senior consultant/technical staff with more than ten years of experience in renewable energy in the power sector, with the support of an adequately skilled team. Bidders to submit CVs.
    • Expertise and knowledge in existing national governmental policies related to power system and renewable energy in ASEAN.
    • Expertise and knowledge in renewable energy, particularly in technologies, financing options, procurement, project development, and investment best practices in ASEAN.
  • Excellent command of English and the capacity to write high-quality reports in the language; the ability to deliver high-quality workshops and discussions in English is also required.
  • Capacity and flexibility to complete the assignment within the required time frame.


Interested Consultants or Technical Experts are invited to submit a proposal in response to these Terms of Reference (Max 10 pages, excluding CV).

The Technical component should present the following information (80% weight):

  1. Expertise of the Firm/Organization
    • Provide a brief description of the organisation/firm submitting the Proposal, its legal mandates/authorised business activities, the year and country of incorporation, types of activities undertaken, and approximate annual budget. Include reference to reputation or any history of litigation and arbitration in which the organisation/firm has been involved that could adversely affect or impact the performance of services, indicating the status/result of such litigation/arbitration.
    • Track record and experiences: Provide the following information regarding corporate experience within the last five (5) years, which are related or relevant to those required for this Contract.
  2. Approach and Implementation Plan
    • Provide a detailed description of the methodology for how the organisation/firm will achieve the Project’s Terms of Reference, considering the appropriateness to local conditions and the project environment.
    • Provide the Proposer’s internal technical and quality assurance review mechanisms.
    • Submit a Gantt chart or Project schedule indicating the detailed sequence of activities undertaken and their corresponding timing.
    • Describe the potential risks for implementing this Project that may impact the achievement and timely completion of expected results and their quality. Describe measures that will be put in place to mitigate these risks.
    • Provide a brief description of the mechanisms proposed for this project for reporting to ACE, including a reporting schedule.
    • A discussion on how measures to ensure the future sustainability of the project outcomes will be addressed.
  3.  Personnel
    • Provide a spreadsheet to show the activities of each staff member and the time allocated for their involvement. (Note: This spreadsheet is crucial, and no substitution of personnel will be tolerated once the contract has been awarded except in extreme circumstances. Any substation shall be made only with ACE’s approval of the justification for the substitution and with ACE’s approval of the replacement, who shall be of either equal or superior credentials to the one being replaced, and which shall not involve any additional cost to ACE. No cost increase will be considered as a result of any substitution.)
    • Provide the CVs for key personnel (team leader, managerial and general staff) that will be provided to support the implementation of this project. CVs should demonstrate qualifications in areas relevant to the Scope of Services. The indication of international and regional experts must also be included.

The Financial component (20% weight) should specify the following information:

The Financial Proposal must provide a detailed cost breakdown. The format shown on the following pages is suggested for use as a guide in preparing the Financial Proposal. The format includes specific expenditures, which may or may not be required or applicable but are indicated to serve as examples.


The selection process and timeline for this procurement are as follows:

  • Call for Technical Proposals: From July 1 to July 15, 2024
  • Shortlisting of Proposals: From July 16 to July 19, 2024
  • Interview: From July 22 to July 26, 2024
  • Final Evaluation: From July 29 to July 31, 2024
  • Contract Finalizations: From Aug 1 to Aug 2, 2024



The proposal should be submitted to [email protected] and cc [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] by 29 July 2024 (GMT+7).

Technical and Financial proposals are to be submitted as two (2) separate electronic files. The proposals are to be submitted in pdf format Please indicate the subject heading: Document for In-dept Power Assessment for ASEAN RE deployment

All communications and queries related to this ToR shall be submitted in writing through email
to [email protected] and cc [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]