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Workshop on ASEAN Coal Transition Technologies (ASCOTRECH): Policy, Technology, and Financial Strategies

04 March 2025

Photo 1. Group Photo of ASCOTRECH Participants 

The ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE),  in collaboration with the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) and the ASEAN Forum on Coal (AFOC), successfully convened the workshop on ASEAN Coal Transition Technologies (ASCOTRECH): Policy, Technology, and Financial Strategies in Jakarta, Indonesia. The one-day public event brought together over 100 participants, including representatives from eight (8) ASEAN Member States (AMS), policymakers, public utility authorities, financial institutions, and technology providers to discuss regulatory, technological, and financial pathways for accelerating coal transition technologies (CCT) and carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCS/CCUS) in the region. The workshop also aimed to support the implementation of the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) Programme Area No. 3: Coal and Clean Coal Technology. 

Photo 2. Opening Remark by Dato’ Ir. Ts. Razib Dawood, Executive Director of ACE 

The workshop commenced with welcoming remarks from Dato’ Ir. Ts. Razib Dawood, Executive Director of ACE, who reaffirmed ACE’s commitment to guiding ASEAN’s energy transition while ensuring energy security and economic stability. He highlighted that ASEAN requires a more flexible, phased approach—one that acknowledges the need to phase down coal in the long term but integrates clean coal technologies and advances carbon capture and storage during the phase-down journey. 

Photo 3. (right – left) Remark by Naoto Okura, Director General for Research and Policy Design at ERIA, and Mohd Amirulazry Mohd Amin, representing AFOC.  

This was followed by remarks from Naoto Okura, Director General for Research and Policy Design at ERIA, and Mohd Amirulazry Mohd Amin, representing AFOC Chair, both of whom reiterated the significance accelerating CCT and CCS/CCUS deployment in ASEAN, and the significance of the regulatory, technology, and financing mechanisms thereof. 

Photo 4. (left – right) Scene Setting by Silvira Ayu Rosalia, Energy Statistician at ACE, and Anis Zhafran, Research Analyst at ACE 

The workshop started with a scene-setting presentation by Silvira Ayu Rosalia, Energy Statistician at ACE, and Anis Zhafran, Research Analyst on Fossil Fuel, Hydrocarbon and Minerals at ACE, titled “The Road to Coal Phase-Down: Strengthening ASEAN’s Energy Security Through Clean Coal Technology”. The presentation highlighted findings from the 8th ASEAN Energy Outlook (AEO8), noting that coal accounted for 42% of ASEAN’s electricity production in 2022 where its reliance will remain inevitable. Moreover, the presentation also underscores that coal-fired power plants (CFPPs) in Southeast Asia are still relatively young, averaging around 14.3 years, which accounts for more than half of the total generating capacity in the region. Therefore, by understanding the importance of coal value chain in the region, without careful and cautious planning, an abrupt coal phase-out in the region could easily weaken energy security, compromise energy affordability, and constrain economic growth. 

Photo 5. Three-panel discussion moderated by ACE, ASEAN COE CCT and ERIA  

Session 1: Regulatory Frameworks for CCT and CCS/CCUS   

The first session explored regulatory frameworks essential for integrating CCT and CCS/CCUS as transitional solutions in ASEAN’s coal phase-down strategy. Shania Esmeralda Manaloe, Research Analyst of ACE moderated this panel discussion which featured Dedi Supriyatno (Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia), Elmer A. Altomea (DOE Philippines), Dendi Adisuryo (ADCO Law) who presented their perspectives on policy mechanisms supporting the CCT and identified key regulatory barriers and strategies for fostering a collaborative environment to support CCT and CCS/CCUS investments. The discussion highlighted the dual challenge in reducing coal reliance while ensuring stable power supply, stressing that CCT and CCS/CCUS should be positioned as transitional solutions rather than long-term dependencies. 

Session 2: Strategies for Low-Emission Technologies   

The second session featured distinguished figures from ASEAN’s Power Utilities such as Ardi Nugroho (PLN Nusantara Power), Syazwan b. Sa’edan Muhktar (TNB Fuel Malaysia), Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang (EVN) and engaged expert by Dr. Jatinder Singh Chandok (NTPC India – Online) who shared their perspectives and innovative solutions as well as market trends in shaping ASEAN’s CCT and CCS/CCUS. Moderated by Dahlia Diniyati (ASEAN COE CCT), the panel discussion delved into the economic and technological drivers of CCT and CCS/CCUS to strengthen a stronger industry-government collaboration towards realising its full potential. The discussion underscored the need for retrofitting existing coal-fired power plants with CCS/CCUS, while also ensuring compatibility with emerging low-carbon technologies such as hydrogen co-firing and ammonia blending. 

Session 3: Financing CCT and CCS/CCUS  

The third session addressed the investment and funding challenges related to this transitional phase while also exploring innovative financial models that support developing and deploying these technologies. Moderated by Ryan Wiratama Bhaskara (ERIA), the panel featured distinguished experts from regional and international financial institutions such as Dr. Ambiyah Abdullah, Senior Research Analyst at ACE, Meutia Chaerani (ADB) and Ravi Shekhar (Eninrac Consulting Private Limited), who  shared their perspectives on viable financing mechanisms. This panel discussion examined the role of public-private partnerships, financial incentives, and carbon markets in making CCT and CCS/CCUS financially viable. Experts pointed out that investment risks need to be addressed through innovative financing models, advocating for blended finance mechanisms, green bonds and concessional loans to lower capital barriers. 

Photo 6. Breakout session facilitated by ACE 

The final segment included an interactive breakout session in which grouped participants are required to analyse the interlinked challenges and solutions in regulatory frameworks, technology, and finance related to coal transition technologies, including CCT and CCS/CCUS in ASEAN. The goal is to develop short, medium, and long-term roadmaps outlining actionable strategies and recommendations for the coal phase-down process through the implementation of CCT. 

Suwanto, Senior Research Analyst of ACE, concluded the session by summarising key insights from the breakout discussions and panel sessions. He emphasised that CCT and CCS/CCUS will remain integral to ASEAN’s energy transition as governments advance regulatory frameworks, financial incentives, and cross-sectoral collaboration to balance the region’s economic reliance on coal with the early-stage development of renewables and storage.  

Moving forward, ACE will continue working closely with ASEAN Member States and industry stakeholders to ensure that ASEAN charts a sustainable and just transition, one of which through envisioning a well-managed coal transition through adoption of CCT and CCS/CCUS.