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Unlocking Cooperation Opportunities between ASEAN and China through Site Visits and Collaborative Workshop

16 October 2023

ASEAN Energy Business Forum (AEBF) 2023 was held on 24-25 August 2023 in Bali, Indonesia. With the theme of “Accelerating Energy Connectivity to Achieve Sustainable Growth of ASEAN”, the event aims to accelerate the implementation of energy transition in ASEAN through various activities on business matching, workshops, and conferences.

Photo 1. ASEAN and China Site Visit to Floating Solar PV Muara Tukad in Bali

As part of AEBF 2023, the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and the Energy Foundation of China (EFC) conducted a site visit and workshop session to strengthen the connection between ASEAN and China. On 23 August 2023, ASEAN Member States and China delegates visited the Floating Solar PV Muara Tukad in the Denpasar area, facilitated by Indonesia Power. The floating solar installation is intended to support the G20 Presidency 2022 and Indonesia’s commitment to protect the environment and accelerate the energy transition. With a total installed capacity of 100.32 kWp using 228 PV modules, it will generate approximately 165.32 MWh of electricity annually. This is a good milestone that the government has done to begin a new chapter of energy transition.

Photo 2. EFC Visit to Indonesia Power

After doing several analyses at the site, EFC and ACE continued to have a short discussion with Indonesia Power, one of the subsidiaries of PT PLN, the national electricity provider, through power generation and operation and maintenance for power plants in Indonesia. The session aims to have a cross-sectoral insight on how to face the current challenges in implementing the energy transition. The discussion went very enthusiastic from both sides, providing new perspectives from technical, operational, and sustainability. EFC also gave recommendations to tackle the Floating Solar PV issue in terms of operational and maintenance aspects.

Photo 3. EFC Site Visit to the Bureau of Energy and Mineral Resources of Bali Province

From the governmental side, EFC and ACE visited the Bureau of Energy and Mineral Resources of Bali Province. On this occasion, Prof. Ji Zou, the CEO and President of EFC, shared his meaningful experiences in developing and fostering the energy transition. The session was also attended by Mr Ida Bagus Setiawan, the Head of the Bureau of Energy and Mineral Resource of Bali Province. Mr Setiawan emphasised that the country need to reduce carbon emission through various way of implementation. Multisectoral support is urgently needed to achieve the current net zero target, whether it is at the national or regional level. Prof Zou also mentioned several opportunities and supports that might be explored between the EFC and the bureau to reach the determined target.

On 25 August 2023, EFC had a workshop session on AEBF2023 focusing on supporting low-carbon investment. The theme, “ASEAN-China Low Carbon Investment Cooperation Workshop,” aims to explore the financial path of the energy sector through collaborative projects. Prof. Ji Zou opened the workshop with a new spirit to enhance the collaboration between ASEAN and China. The workshop was also attended by Mr Dongsheng Zhai from the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), Mr Fengshan Fu, Minister-counselor of Deputy Head of the Mission of the People’s Republic of China to ASEAN, Mr Yudo Dwinanda Priaadi, Director-General of New and Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) of Indonesia, and Mr Christoper Zamora, Senior Manager of ACE.

The session started by giving a wide perspective of ASEAN’s energy transition status and investment opportunities in ASEAN and China. The participation of ASEAN Member States (AMS) representatives was also presented by Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, and Thailand to support the data verification on existing conditions in ASEAN countries.

Photo 4. AMS Representatives presented by Ms. Nurul Hadinah (Brunei Darussalam), Mr. San Serevyathna (Cambodia), and Mr Boualom Saysanavong (Lao PDR)

Photo 5. Appreciation Session for EFC and NDRC

Last but not least, there was an appreciation given by ACE to EFC as a symbolised of a starting point of our cooperation in supporting the energy transition. We hope that this session could boost up more investment and cooperation towards sustainable energy transition in the future.