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The ASEAN RE-Gender Roadmap Launching Event

18 August 2022

Wednesday, August 10, 2022 – 13.30 – 15.00 GMT+7ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE), in collaboration with United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), had successfully organized a launching event for the ASEAN RE-Gender Roadmap which chart a pathway to incorporate gender-responsive policy in renewable energy development in ASEAN towards an inclusive and productive policy while ensuring environmental sustainability of energy sector. The event is attended by various stakeholders in both energy and gender empowerment and noted there are 217 registered participants. This event aims to launch the ASEAN RE-Gender Roadmap’s ceremonial and promote the energy and gender nexus in ASEAN. The event was held virtually on August 10, 2022, navigated by Mr. Ryan Toh Jun Shen from ACE.
Figure 1. Panel photo session participantsOpening Remarks
Dr. Nuki Agya Utama, Executive Director of ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) started the event with welcoming remarks addressed the important renewable energy (RE) milestones which will bring fundamental impacts to the local community in each ASEAN Member States (AMS) in next decade. However, the correct practises and strategies should be highlighted when planning to achieve the RE milestones. So, having the proper inclusiveness measurements that are conducted in detail is imperative, the ASEAN RE-Gender Roadmap represents a huge step in helping to achieve the projected RE target.

Ms. Isabelle Louis, Deputy Regional Director of UNEP, delivered the importance of energy transition for gender equality and ensuring the meaningful participation of women in the regional political, economic, and social development. Therefore, the roadmap we are launching today plays a key role in the context of the energy transition which is the opportunity for the resilience and economic empowerment of women in Southeast Asia. Moreover, she is thankful to Cambodia and Vietnam who adapted the provincial action plan for women’s economic empowerment and entrepreneurship through communities. Finally, she described her pleasure to know that the current road map will inform the long-term ASEAN’s renewable energy development and further strengthen the action for gender equality in the energy sector across the region.

Panellist Session
Ms. Ngoc Huong Giang Vu, Associate Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Officer, ACE moderate the session by welcoming the panellists from United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), ASEAN Secretariat (ASEC), and the Department of Energy – Gender and Development (DOE-GAD) from Philippines.

Dr. Parimita Mohanty, Renewable Energy Programme officer, UNEP discussed on the Global insights on Gender and Renewable Energy. Dr. Parimita briefly talked about the importance of gender equality in development of RE sector in worldwide. She discussed the rational of mainstreaming gender in energy sector based on the study of The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and other international organization who have brought the gender parity that exists between the participation of men and women in the energy sector. She mentioned there are lots of evidence that shows women are not being involved in making process and in the management of the energy process and implementation. It is happening not only in ASEAN but globally as well. She explained that it is important to look up how can women bring and involve in renewable energy sector. Finally, she mentioned that the ASEAN RE-Gender Roadmap can create a global community supporting and promoting gender equalities in RE sector.

Ms. Chusana Han, Assistant Director of Poverty Eradication and Gender Division, ASEAN Secretariat discussed on the ASEAN Framework on Gender and its Future Plan in the Region. She stated that the ASEAN consistently prioritizes gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls based on the four commitments initiated in 2017. Then, she brought the idea of integration for the gender mainstreaming across the three ASEAN community pillars which are economic, social and political. Furthermore, she explained insightfully the development of four-year implementation plan for ASEAN Gender Mainstreaming Strategic Framework (AGMSF).

Ms. Amelia M. De Guzman, Vice Chairperson Department of Energy – Gender and Development (DOE-GAD) Technical Working Group, The Philippines discussed about Benefits and Gender Mainstreaming Efforts in Department of Energy in the Philippines. She started the presentation with the history of the Philippines government interested in the constitution to recognize the role of women in nation building. She explained in details how to accomplish the annual Gender and Development (GAD) plan and provide the DOE Gender Tool Kit for Energy Sector that aims to make the awareness and responsive to the gender concerns in Philippines.

Ms. Amira Bilqis, Associate Officer of Energy Modelling and Planning ACE, presented the launching: ASEAN RE-Gender Roadmap. She summarized the background and motivation of the roadmap as follows:

Although the actual RE share in total primary energy supply (TPES) of ASEAN has exceeded 0.6% of the AMS Target Scenario (ATS), it still has a gap of 1.8% to meet the APAEC Target Scenario (APS) target. So, ASEAN requires the significant efforts to grow the RE deployment.

One of the efforts to accelerate RE generation, ASEAN could explore the strategy to increase women participation on RE projects by adapting its policy environment based on the UNEP’s study.Figure 2. ASEAN RE-Gender RoadmapIn addition, she shared the challenges and opportunities in six different areas in order to build the pathway of the roadmap. Furthermore, she explained how to develop the gender-responsive renewable energy policy across ASEAN region and the potential benefits of under the roadmap. She mentioned four phases to accomplish the roadmap and outcomes of each phase. In conclusion, she suggested the ASEAN working group chart and the key strategies to support the implementation of the ASEAN RE-Gender Roadmap.

To learn more about this topic:
Watch the recording video of the launching event
Access the roadmap for free
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