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The 23rd Evaluation Meeting of the Board of Judges (BOJ) for Renewable Energy Project Awards of ASEAN Energy Awards 2024

11 July 2024

Photo 1. BOJ Meeting Participants 

The 23rd Evaluation Meeting of the Board of Judges (BOJ) for Renewable Energy Project Awards of ASEAN Energy Awards 2024 convened in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 10 June 2024. The meeting was attended by BOJ members from eight ASEAN Member States (AMS) – Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and representatives from the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE). 

Norhasliza Mohd Mokhtar, Senior Director of the Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation, as Chair welcomed participants and expressed gratitude to judges, both present and online, for their commitment to evaluating this year’s 35 submissions. Ruby B. De Guzman, Director III from the Department of Energy Philippines, as Vice-Chair also acknowledged the robust participation and welcomed attendees to the meeting. “These entries showcased innovative approaches and technologies advancing sustainability in the region,” she remarked. 

Photo 2. Chair of BOJ Meeting, Norhasliza Mohd Mokhtar (left) and Ruby B. De Guzman (right) 

Since its inception in 2001, the ASEAN Energy Awards have played a pivotal role in promoting renewable energy deployment, fostering innovation, and facilitating knowledge sharing among stakeholders. The event not only highlights achievements but also sets the stage for future advancements in the renewable energy sector.  

For this year, the ASEAN RE Awards received a total of 35 submissions across the categories. The session continued with the BOJ Feedback, Finalisation, and Scores Submission for all categories of the ASEAN Energy Awards 2024 entries, which was moderated by BOJ Chair. The selected winners and runners-up will be announced and awarded during the 42nd ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM) Awarding Ceremony hosted by Lao PDR in September 2024. The results will also be updated on the ASEAN Energy Award webpage. 

The meeting also discussed the proposals for the improvement of the ASEAN RE Projects Awards guideline for 2025 and post 2025, which is followed by a roundtable discussion, where each participating country offered feedback and recommendations concerning various aspects such as the quality of submissions, the scoring system, the awarding ceremony, and the promotion and dissemination of the awards. 

Photo 3. BOJ meeting at Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 

As the meeting concluded, Asdirhyme Bin Abdul Rasib, RE-SSN Chair and Undersecretary of Sustainable Energy from Malaysia’s Ministry of Energy Transition and Water Transformation, emphasized the importance of collaboration and innovation in driving ASEAN’s renewable energy agenda forward. Following his remarks, Christopher G. Zamora, Senior Head of APAEC Department at ACE, reflected on the day’s proceedings, “I am genuinely delighted by today’s collaborative spirit, which underscores our commitment to fostering best practices and supporting technologies for higher RE penetration across the ASEAN region, aiming to achieve a 23% RE share target by 2025.” 

The 23rd Evaluation Meeting of the Board of Judges for Renewable Energy Project Awards of ASEAN Energy Awards 2024 underscored ASEAN’s dedication to advancing renewable energy solutions and promoting sustainable development across the region.