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The 1st Workshop of the SAEMAS Working Group under AJEEP Scheme 4

29 January 2024

Photo 1. Photo session with the participants 

The ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE), in partnership with the Energy Efficiency Centre Japan (ECCJ) under the ASEAN-Japan Energy Efficiency Partnership (AJEEP), a programme funded by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan, hosted a virtual workshop titled “1st Workshop of the SAEMAS Working Group” on 24 January 2024. This workshop is a continuation of the previous meeting, the 30th Energy Conservation Workshop (ECAP30) under AJEEP Scheme 4, held in Tokyo, Japan, on 6-10 November 2023.  

Recognising the growing demand for skilled energy managers across the ASEAN region, the Sustainable ASEAN Energy Management Certification Scheme (SAEMAS) aims to enhance and harmonise energy management competencies within the region. By facilitating the removal of professional barriers and promoting mutually recognised qualifications, SAEMAS will contribute to streamlining professional licensing procedures and fostering seamless mobility for energy managers throughout ASEAN. 

Eight out of ten ASEAN member states (AMS) – Cambodia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam – were represented at the workshop. Divided into three sessions, the workshop facilitated in-depth discussions on the finalisation of Common Standard Module (CSM) content, development of Advanced Module (AM) components, and drafting of the draft Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) guidelines. Spanning seven hours with interspersed breaks, the workshop fostered active engagement and fruitful dialogue among participants. 

The webinar commenced with opening remarks from Dr. Yoshitaka Ushio, Senior Adviser from ECCJ. Dr. Ushio underscored the purpose and benefits of establishing SAEMAS, emphasising its potential to assist the ASEAN region in achieving its established targets. Building on these points, Septia Buntara Supendi, Acting Manager of the Conservation and Energy Efficiency (CEE) Department, on behalf of Dr. Nuki Agya Utama, Executive Director of ACE, underscored the relevance of SAEMAS as a powerful tool for optimizing ASEAN’s energy sector workforce and ensuring access to a highly qualified talent pool. 

Photo 2. Yutaka Ogura and Tatsu Ito from ECCJ during their presentation 

The first presentation session, led by Yutaka Ogura, Technical Expert at ECCJ, delves into the finalisation of CSM content. Some of Ogura‘s insightful presentations focus on defining the exam criteria for the SAEMAS certification process and providing an analysis of the energy management professional (EMP) role. Following that, the second session, facilitated by Tatsu Ito, Technical Expert at ECCJ, shifts focus to the development of Advanced Module (AM) components. Ito‘s presentation delves into the review of the proposed AM plan, highlighting the key objectives of finalising the draft AM textbook by 2024 and conducting the first SAEMAS trial in 2025.  

Photo 3. Mardika Firlina from ACE during her presentation 

The third session was led by Mardika Firlina, Associate CEE Officer of ACE, and focused on the collaborative drafting of the MRA guidelines. Mardika‘s presentation commenced by establishing the rationale for the MRA: fostering the flexible mobility and mutual recognition of energy management professionals across the ASEAN region. This, in turn, will contribute to seamless mobility for energy managers throughout ASEAN. 

In the workshop’s final session, Ogura shared the upcoming plan for SAEMAS under AJEEP Scheme 4, comprised of the next workshop and meeting plan and two country visits. Following that, Rio Jon Piter Silitonga, CEE Research Analyst of ACE, concluded the workshop by providing the way forward, one of which is to make an energy audit template under the CSM modules.  

Photo 4. Rio Jon Piter Silitonga from ACE during his presentation 

The workshop is closed with a closing remark from Septia Buntara Supendi, Acting Manager of CEE Department, on behalf of Dr. Nuki Agya Utama, Executive Director of ACE, who highlighted the need for further discussion after today’s workshop. Septia also expressed his thoughts that SAEMAS can propel the region towards a more sustainable and secure energy future built upon the expertise and dedication of its skilled energy management workforce. Following that, Toshio Ando, General Manager from ECCJ, delivered his closing remarks. Expressing optimism for sustained engagement in SAEMAS, Ando envisioned today’s workshop as a catalyst for the finalization of the scheme, igniting the region’s journey towards enhanced energy management. With that, the workshop is closed with positive notes from all the participants.