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MoU Signing Ceremony: ASEAN Centre for Energy and the World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS)

16 September 2021

The ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and the World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS) agreed to build cooperation by signing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) today, 16th September 2021, virtually during the ASEAN Energy Business Forum (AEBF) 2021.

This MoU was signed by the Executive Director of ACE, Dr Nuki Agya Utama and the Executive Director of WINS, Mr Lars Van Dassen. The MoU is a form of mutual commitment in complementing points of collaboration, with the focus on capacity building in nuclear security management, including cybersecurity and radioactive source security management, online professional development programs through the opportunity for scholarships, and benchmarking and evaluation services to help nuclear regulators and operators assess the maturity of their nuclear security infrastructure and programme.

“Nuclear energy could play a key role in ASEAN energy transition towards sustainable energy supply while ensuring the energy resiliency as the baseload generation. Therefore, WINS will play an important role to build the capacity of the ASEAN Member States on nuclear security. Our cooperation with WINS will be critical to cover not only the physical protection of nuclear facilities and materials but also the security of non-nuclear radioactive sources, import-export controls at national borders and others.” said Dr Nuki Agya Utama, the Executive Director of ACE.

Mr Lars Van Dassen, the Executive Director of WINS, then added, “Developing a sustainable energy mix will help drive both economic development and prosperity of the ASEAN countries – and the peaceful use of nuclear energy alongside other renewable energy sources is a crucial aspect of the solution. And we hope that through this signing of this MoU with the ACE, more countries like the ASEAN Member States (AMS) will join the WINS community and become actively involved in our work. All our WINS Members have one thing in common: strengthening their profession locally enhances nuclear security globally.”

Watch the ceremony here.

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