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Memorandum of Understanding Signing between ASEAN Centre for Energy and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

10 June 2022

The ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta, 8 June 2022 – To enhance and strengthen ASEAN energy research and training activities, and recognise the importance of academics in the policymaking process, the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) have made various collaborative arrangements through the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing.

The partnership has agreed that, ACE and UTM will accelerate the energy development by providing relevant information and expertise to ensure the necessary policies and programs are in harmony with the economic growth and the region’s environmental sustainability.

Dr. Andy Tirta, the manager of the Energy Modelling and Policy Planning Department at ACE, stated, “In fact, ACE and UTM partnership has been started in 2021 for the project of Variable Renewable Energy, Smart Microgrid, and Electrical Vehicle Integration, which we delivered professional focus group discussion, training, and workshop, and successfully produced joint publications related to the topic, including two journal papers and one policy brief. We are currently in the process of publishing more reports and initiating more research activities”.

There are eight areas of co-operation agreed from both parties:

a. Visits by fellows of UTM for study and research in the ACE office;
b. Exchange of information including, but not limited to, exchange of library materials and research publications between ACE and UTM;
c. Joint research activities;
d. Joint collaborative research proposals and participation in internationally funded projects;
e. Participation of research and academic staff in seminars and conferences;
f. Joint course development;
g. Joint organization of meetings, workshops, courses, or conference as applicable; and
h. Any other areas of co-operation to be mutually agreed upon by the parties.

Both ACE and UTM envision a strategic alliance between academic institutions and the professional agency, which would generate more impactful outcomes towards excellent knowledge creation and universal prosperity. The MoU will come into effect on the date of signing and will remain in effect for five years.



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