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Kicking Off the in-house Lecture Series on Energy and Climate Change

20 December 2019

Jakarta, 20 Desember 2019

ASEAN Climate Change and Energy Project (ACCEPT) has conducted the first lecture on energy-climate related topics on 20 December 2019 at ACE. This knowledge sharing is an In-house lecture series that will be continued as a monthly activity. The lecture was attended by ACE staffs from all departments, including technical and non-technical staffs, supporting staffs and interns. The main purpose of this in-house lectures is to build the capacity of ACE on the knowledge of energy and climate change across different disciplinaries and departments. Thus, the lectures will be designed and tailored according to the level of understanding and needs of ACE. Whereby, the target groups of core lectures are general topics that will be suitable for all staffs without a prerequisite, and more advanced topics will be offered to the technical staffs based on the needs and interests.

Prior to this lecture, ACCEPT has conducted an in-house knowledge survey on the level of understanding related to energy and climate change. The findings have been taken into account in designing the contents of the lectures.

Dr. Chan Hoy Yen, the Senior Research Analyst to ACCEPT will be the main instructor for the lectures. However, ACCEPT welcome other internal and external experts to join the teaching, to share their knowledge and to inspire ACE.

During the first lecture, Dr Chan shared: 1) A brief sharing on survey findings – knowledge of energy-climate at ACE; 2) Introduction to series of energy-climate lectures; 3) Why energy and climate change?; 4) What is energy?; and 5) Energy resources and the distributions.

The lecture environment was interactive and inspiring. The attendances asked questions and exchanged views. At the end of the lecture, upon requested by the majority, the next topic of the lecture will be the “Basic of Climate Change”, which will cover the impacts from the energy sector to the climate system.