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Kick-Off Meeting ASEAN+3 Mitigation Cooperation Programme 2021-2022

23 June 2021

Online, 23 Jun 2021On 23 June 2021, the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and the Korean Energy Agency (KEA) organised the virtual Kick-off Meeting of the ASEAN+3 Mitigation Cooperation Programme for 2021-2022.

Attended by the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Sub-Sector Network (EE&C-SSN) Focal Points from Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and the Philippines, the meeting discussed the implementation plans of the programme, which will include the Capacity Building Workshops on Energy Efficiency (EE) in Industry and Transport sector, Policy and Technology Consultation through Action Plan Working Group (APWG) Meetings, Market Analysis, and the 2nd ASEAN Youth Energy Award.

Under the APAEC Phase II: 2021 – 2025, ASEAN has set a more ambitious energy intensity reduction target of 32% by 2025, which will be achieved through strategic regional actions with a focus on the EE&C measures in buildings, transport, and industrial sectors, while stimulating triple-helix collaboration through enhancing the participation of private sector, academe, financial institutions, and other stakeholders to bring positive impact for developing a sustainable energy future.

“The fruitful 10-year energy cooperation between ASEAN and Korea will continue for other years in the supporting the implementation of the APAEC Phase II: 2021-2025, especially in achieving energy intensity reduction target by expanding the EE&C initiatives into industry and transportation sector” – Dr Nuki Agya Utama, the Executive Director of ACE.

The Kick-Off Meeting have charted the plans and actions needed for the implementation of the ASEAN+3 Mitigation Cooperation Programme 2021-2022, including the 1st Workshop of the ASEAN-Korea Capacity Building on EE&C in the Industry and Transportation sector to be held on 28-29 June 2021 as well as the consultation workshop for market analysis.

This Programme is expected to strengthen the cooperation between ASEAN and Korea in supporting ASEAN’s energy sector development. 

“This cooperation between Korea and ASEAN is more important than ever. For the next ten years, we will further strengthen cooperation with ACE and ASEAN Member States to develop ASEAN’s energy sector as well as to mitigate Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission through sharing knowledge and best practices in the policy framework development” – Mr Sung Moon Jung, the Director of Global Project Division of KEA.

Jointly implemented by the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and Korea Energy Agency (KEA), the Programme is part of the Senior Officials Meeting on Energy Plus Three (China, Japan, Korea) Energy Policy Governing Group (SOME+3 EPGG) Work Programme under the New and Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Forum.


By Shania Esmeralda Manaloe