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Joint Ministerial Statement of The 39th ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting

16 September 2021

Online, 16 September 2021

1. The 39th ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM) was hosted virtually by Brunei Darussalam on 15 September 2021. Hon. Dato Seri Setia Dr Awang Haji Mat Suny bin Haji Md Hussein, Minister of Energy of Brunei Darussalam, chaired the Meeting. H.E. Suy Sem, Minister of Mines and Energy of Cambodia was the Vice Chair. The Dialogues with the Heads of the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) were conducted in conjunction with the 39th AMEM.

2. In his opening address, the Chair reaffirmed AMEM’s commitment to foster economic growth and development for the advancement of the ASEAN Community by 2025. He commended the accomplishments of the ASEAN Plan of Action on Energy Cooperation (APAEC) Phase I: 2016-2020, and the robust key strategies of the APAEC Phase II: 2021-2025. Under the theme of Brunei Darussalam’s 2021 ASEAN Chairmanship: “We Care, We Prepare, We Prosper,” the Chair also highlighted the importance of a people-centred and people-oriented ASEAN Community as the region adapts to new norms and circumstances.

Download the full statement here.