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Hydrogen in ASEAN – Economic Prospect, Development and Applications

30 August 2021
30 August 2021



Date: 30 August 2021

Time: 2 – 4 PM (GMT +7)

With ASEAN Member States (AMS) commitment to combating climate changes, the hydrogen on energy systems analysis is worth doing to observe the region’s emission mitigation potential and economic benefits. In the long-term, hydrogen could also be an alternative for AMS to reduce dependency on imported fuel along with the deployment of hydrogen-fuelled vehicles. In this regard, the assessment study on hydrogen is essential to understand the feasibility of hydrogen to support the ASEAN energy plan and provide recommendations on developing a roadmap for the region. 

The ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE), through its ASEAN Climate Change and Energy Project (ACCEPT), has developed a study on the “Hydrogen in ASEAN – Economic Prospect, Development and Applications” with the support from ASEAN Regional Energy Policy and Planning Sub-Sector Network (REPP-SSN). 

The report is expected to be a reference for the discussion at the 39th ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM) to be held on 13-17 September 2021.


  1. To provide initial status of hydrogen development in ASEAN.
  2. To further discuss economic prospects and the potential for utilising hydrogen in the energy transition in ASEAN. 

Welcoming Remarks:

  • Dr. Nuki Agya Utama (Executive Director of ASEAN Centre for Energy)
  • Jonathan Goh Kok Chye (SOE Leader | Director, External Relations, Energy Market Authority, Singapore)

Report Launching:

  • Adhityo Gilang Bhaskoro (Technical Officer of Power, Fossil Fuel, Alternative Energy and Storage, ASEAN Centre for Energy)
  • Suwanto (Technical Officer of Power, Fossil Fuel, Alternative Energy and Storage, ASEAN Centre for Energy)


  • Beni Suryadi (Manager of Power, Fossil Fuel, Alternative Energy and Storage, ASEAN Centre for Energy)


  • Dr. Uwe Remme (Senior Hydrogen Expert, International Energy Agency (IEA))
  • Emanuele Bianco (Programme Officer – Policy, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA))
  • Muhammad Nabih Fakhri Matussin (Visiting Researcher, Asia-Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC))
  • Mathieu Geze (VP Asia | Chief Representative Indonesia at HDF Energy)
  • Dr. Yanfei Li (Associate Professor, Human University of Technology | Business Research Fellow, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA))

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