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FGD: Workshop on COVID-19 Impact on Energy Sector Development

24 August 2021
24 August 2021



Date: 24 August 2021

Time: 09.00 AM-12.00 PM (GMT +7)

To commit towards sustainable energy, the 38th ASEAN Ministers of Energy Meeting (AMEM) approved APAEC Phase II: 2021-2025, with the theme of “Accelerating Energy Transition and Strengthening Energy Resilience through Greater Innovation and Cooperation”. Within the APAEC Phase II, ASEAN set out more ambitious targets and expand the initiatives to enhance energy security and sustainability particularly in addressing the COVID-19 impact on ASEAN’s energy sector.

Correspondingly, ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and Energy Foundation China (EFC) have collaborated to strengthen focus on providing potential policy recommendations for COVID-19 recovery plans in ASEAN. Therefore, this FGD is conducted to gain required input from REPP-SSN focal points and related stakeholders in investigating how the pandemic has impacted future public fiscal budgets, which would, in turn, limit the AMS’s ability to implement the installation of new renewables and the achievement of the renewables target.


  • To present the important study on COVID-19 Impact on Energy Sector Development in South-East Asia Region, associated with the REPP-SSN focal points.
  • To provide more context and nuance on how COVID-19 affect energy sector in South-East Asia Region.
  • To share perspective on how ASEAN governments in terms of providing potential energy policy recommendations for COVID-19 recovery plans, investigating how the pandemichas impacted future public fiscal budgets in relation to the ability to achieve the renewables target.
  • To share perspective on how AMS adopt stimulus-type recovery policies that include investments in power and energy and whether these stimulus plans are aligned with sustainable energy.
  • To initiate discussion on the ASEAN regional collaborative effort to enhance the energy resilience particularly on the COVID-19 recovery period.

Target Participant

The targeted participants for this focus group discussion workshop consist of government officials from Ministry of Energy, appointed by Regional Energy Policy Planning – Sub Sectoral Network (REPP-SSN), from 10 member states, including related stakeholders such as organisations or institutions and experts.

Register here


24 August 2021

