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Does Renewable Energy Matter? The ASEAN-Norway Action for RE’s Life

11 May 2022

The Langham, Jakarta, 11 May 2022 – The ASEAN Centre for Energy has had organised its first hybrid seminar in collaboration with Royal Norwegian Embassy in Jakarta and Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI).

In strong partnership between ASEAN and Norway under the Norway-ASEAN Regional Integration Programme (NARIP), the ASEAN-Norway Partnership on Energy and Climate Seminar agreed the state of energy transition in the Southeast Asia region and explore how ASEAN and Norway is serious on collective energy for climate priorities inside region and beyond. Within the “Addressing Challenges Together for a Sustainable Energy Transition” theme, this seminar subsequently provided ‘perspective exchange’ platform for the stakeholders in ASEAN and Norway.

During the first session, Dr Nuki Agya Utama, the Executive Director of ASEAN Centre for Energy emphasised ASEAN’s priorities, “Our partnership is for the manifesto of ASEAN Climate Change and Energy Project or ACCEPT. We commit to improve the coherence between the energy and climate policies. Regional and international commitments to tackle climate issues have become more ambitious. ACE, NUPI, and the Norway Embassy in Jakarta work together for the future of ASEAN’s climate-friendly energy”. This was later re-proclaimed by H.E. Satvinder Singh, the Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN for ASEAN Economic Community at the ASEAN Secretariat.

Highlighting the G20 Presidency of Indonesia on Energy Transition, Ir. Yudo Dwinanda Priadi,  as the expert staff of Strategic Planning at the Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources of Indonesia delivered that, “We are archipelagic country; in energy, we are heavily depending on coal, but we have our target goes beyond the energy sector, we taking into account of social economic impact. That’s something crucial for us to find our own style policy ”, on behalf the minister, H.E. Arifin Tasrif.

Quintessentially, Norway and Indonesia have already had serious bilateral Energy Projects; Norwegian businesses to the Indonesian put forth of “ambitious” electricity production of 35,000 MW for the last 3 years. The ASEAN-Norway is hand-to-hand for climate change. Norwegian energy industries such as Statoil, Höegh LNG, SN Power, REC Solar and others are now present in Indonesia.

This workshop will look on the action plans of acquiring the long-term of RE. A key priority for the partnership is to advance ASEAN’s:

  • Community Vision;
  • Energy intensity reduction;
  • Multilateral power trading amongst party;
  • Explore cooperation opportunity between ASEAN Member States and Norway;
  • Areas of energy security and reliability; and
  • Climate-friendly on energy efficiency and conservation.



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