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Dissemination Workshop of Solar PV+ Utilisation in ASEAN

07 December 2022

Bandung (Indonesia), 21 November 2022(Photo caption: The report launching of Innovative Solar PV Utilisation to Support the Green Economic Recovery in ASEAN).On 21 November 2022, ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and China Renewable Energy Engineering Institute (CREEI) co-organised a dissemination workshop of the newly launched report on solar PV+ utilisation in ASEAN which is supported by ASEAN China Cooperation Fund. This event was in line with the implementation of the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) Phase II: 2021-2025, as well as part of the site visit and three-day workshop activities conducted in the previous month.

During the event, many experts from the ASEAN Member States (AMS) and China’s policymakers, government officials, industry leaders, as well as academes were invited to come onsite and virtually to discuss critical topics on solar PV+ implementation and development as well as to showcase solar PV+ best practices from each representative origin country. Led by Ms. Giang Ngoc Huong Vu, the event was officially opened by the remarks of many important energy stakeholders in AMS and China and followed by the signing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between ACE and Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) in their new collaboration on promoting clean energy research.

During opening remarks, some notable speeches were given by Ms. Andriah Feby Misna, S.T., M.T. (Director of NRE, Directorate General of Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia -online), Mr. Erwan Misran (Undersecretary of RE, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Malaysia -online), Mr. Huang Cheng (Director of ASEAN-China Cooperation Fund), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. Widjaja Martokusumo (University Secretary of Institute Technology of Bandung), and the Executive Director of ASEAN Centre for Energy, Dr Nuki Agya Utama.

Ms. Andriah Feby Misna underlined the Bali Compact that Indonesia brings to the G20, which focuses heavily on the gradual implementation of RE utilisation and energy intensity reduction. In terms of solar PV development, she added that Indonesia aims to deploy a total of 4.68 GW of large-scale solar PV by 2030. Amongst this huge ambition, 155 MW Cirata floating solar is currently being developed and will be in operation next year. In the plan, the instalment of a similar configuration will be implemented in 28 other hydropower plants with a potential of 12 GW and 271 reservoirs with a potential of 27 GW. Meanwhile, from Malaysia’s perspective, represented by Mr. Erwan Misran, solar PV as part of renewable energy sources offers a way out of energy and fuel import dependency, which allows not only his country but also Southeast Asia to protect its energy security and drives inclusive economic growth by opening new jobs and alleviate poverty. This effort and commitment shown by AMS are being supported by the government of China, in which Mr. Huang Cheng showed by reiterating the remarks from Mr. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, and Mr. Li Keqiang, Premier of the People’s Republic of China in their speech in G20 Bali. He also mentioned that China contributes 10 million USD annually to support practical cooperation between ASEAN-China and welcomes all ASEAN stakeholders to have new collaborations in the upcoming ASEAN China Clean Energy Cooperation Centre (ACCECC).

Some key findings of the newly launched report, Innovative Solar PV Utilisation to Support the Green Economic Recovery in ASEAN, were presented by Ms. Monika Merdekawati (Research Analyst of ASEAN Centre of Energy) as the lead author and researcher of the publication. She mentioned that the report is particularly prepared by using a systematic literature review on 110 related academic papers and comprehensive applicant data submitted for the ASEAN Energy Award from 2010 to 2022, which aims to escalate the deployment of solar PV+ in the region. Various findings were detailed in her presentation, such as the untapped solar PV potential, the solar PV+ utilisation in ASEAN, the socio-economic co-benefits, and the lessons learned from non-ASEAN countries. The report also gives and details some recommendations to foster maximum solar PV penetration in ASEAN. It is recommended to enhance R&D activity, map the value chain of solar PV, strengthen cross-sectoral coordination and policy framework, design more training, and enhance regional coordination.

Link to the MoU Signing: https://youtu.be/XZYYxI1NfnQ(Photo caption: Panel discussion between ASEAN and China’s government officials, policymakers, industry leaders, and academes in Bandung, Indonesia).Later in the event, before initiating discussion with invited panellists from the representative of all energy stakeholders, Mr. Bintang Widhana and Mr. Rio Jon Piter Silitonga, both Research Analysts of ASEAN Centre for Energy, guided the presentation session with the theme of Outlook of Renewable Energy Development in ASEAN and ASEAN Renewable Energy Cooperation, sequentially.

The presentation in the first session was opened by Dr. Zulfikar Yurnaidi (Senior Research Analyst of ASEAN Centre for Energy), with the topic revolving around the 7th ASEAN Energy Outlook (AEO7) insights on RE development in ASEAN. In addition, he also mentioned that less energy is being generated despite the high number of installed capacities. This can be seen in the 2020 energy trend, where RE share capacity in TPES reaches 14.2%, but the actual generation accounts for only 8.7%. Thus, some policy recommendations are given, including grid modernisation and more interconnections, securing technical capacity and financing, and diversifying and promoting end-use energy sectors.

In response to this, Mr. Praptono Adhi Sulistomo (Coordinator of NRE Investment and Cooperation, Directorate General of RE and Energy Conservation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia) gave his insight on Indonesia energy transition in achieving the newest NDC and NZE target. To implement the mandate of building 4.68 GW solar PV by 2030, several initiatives were mentioned, (1) substituting the utilisation of a 499 MW diesel power plant in remote islands to hybrid solar power with battery or diesel, (2) allowing 100% electricity import to the main grid, and (3) extending nullification period to 6 months. Moreover, in terms of new collaboration and funding, Indonesia just received USD 20 billion from the United States of America for the realisation of the country’s energy transition, secured a 210 MW solar power project with Amazon and NRE project with Saudi Arabia ACWA Power, as well as the development of the largest solar panel factory in Southeast Asia by PT PLN and other three solar PV producers. All these actions are expected to help the country reach its national RE share target and reach net zero emissions by 2060 or sooner.

The roadmap for RE development in Malaysia was presented by Mr. Saiful Hakim Abdul Rahman (Director Strategic Planning Division, SEDA Malaysia). He mentioned that now Malaysia is undergoing their best effort to reach NZE by 2050. Two importation publications, Malaysia Renewable Energy Roadmap and National Energy Policy were launched at the end of 2021 and September 2022, respectively, to support this initiative further. He also added new information on the RE share target in Malaysia’s energy mix, increasing from 29% to 31% by 2025 and 32% to 40% by 2035. Amongst the new target, solar power will be the new energy powerhouse in Malaysia, with 4706 MW and 7280 MW expected to be deployed by 2025 and 2035, respectively.

Other two notable presenters in the first session were academes and research institutes’ representatives. Dr. Yuli Setyo Indartono (Head of Institute for Research and Community Services, ITB) detailed the progress of RE research and development at ITB and gave some evident-based recommendations for the development of solar PV+, particularly in Indonesia. On the other hand, Ms. Wang Yicheng (Project Coordinator of International Cooperation Department of CREEI -online) gave a presentation on one of CREEI’s latest publications, Ramping Up Renewable Energy under Low Carbon Transition Pathways of ASEAN, that can complement the AEO7 implementation in ASEAN.

Two industry leaders opened the last session of the event, Mr. I Made Sandika Dwiantara (Director of Marketing and Business Development, PT Surya Energi Indotama) and Mr. Gan Peng (Business Head of Southeastern Asia Division, Chint New Energy Development (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd. -online) which shared their experience in developing solar PV business in Indonesia and China. Some key takeaways from the implementation of the 200 MW Agri-PV Jiangshan project and 550 MW PV+fishery Wenzhou project are given by Mr Gan Peng. Briefly, the takeaways include clarification of land use permits to avoid violation, proper designing and material selection, as well as do proper balance between commodity and electricity production.

Lastly, Mr. Muhammad Dwi Pamudji (Expert of PT. PLN / HAPUA Working Group I) and Ms. Tri Mumpuni (Board of Governor of National Research and Innovation of Indonesia_ shared their insight on RE generation at regional and local community levels, respectively. On the regional level, Mr. Muhammad Dwi Pamudji mentioned that more than 60% of newly installed capacity in 2025 would come from renewables, with solar power being preferred for installation across the Southeast Asia region. Meanwhile, at the local community level, Ms. Tri Mumpuni highlighted solar power utilisation as a tool to improve the livelihood of local communities. However, to ensure long-term project sustainability, empowerment principles must be followed. These involve personal empowerment, such as motivation, creativity and self-reliance, as well as structural empowerment, which includes a realistic formulation, technical appropriateness, and subsequent cost for long-term sustainability.

According to ministerial regulation of MEMR no 26/2021, nullification is to nullify approvals of projects that do not commence operation within a certain period after obtaining approval.

To learn more, the recording of the event and presentation from each panelist can be accessed on

  1. Session 1 – Dissemination Workshop of Solar PV+ Studies and Implementation in ASEAN: here
  2. Session 2 – Dissemination Workshop of Solar PV+ Studies and Implementation in ASEAN: here
  3. Presentation: here
  4. Report: To be updated
