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ASEAN & Japan Enhance Energy Efficiency for Home Appliances in ASEAN Member States

19 January 2016

The ASEAN-Japan Energy Efficiency Symposium on Standards and Labeling under the ASEAN-Japan Energy Efficiency Market Transformation with Information Provision Scheme (AJ-EMTIPS) Programme, was jointly organised by the Ministry of Energy and Mines of Cambodia, the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) and the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) on 19 January 2016 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The Symposium was participated by 50 (fifty) local participants from Cambodia. Speakers include representatives from Energy Commission of Malaysia, Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE) of Thailand, ECCJ, and the private sector: Daikin and Panasonic.

The Symposium shared  in-depth information, best practices, success stories and lessons learned in implementing energy efficiency standards and labeling system in Cambodia, Japan, Malaysia and Thailand. The speaker from Daikin shared Daikin’s experience in energy saving with inverter air conditioners (AC); while the speaker from Panasonic discussed about the company’s best practices and experience in test method evaluation criteria and latest technology for AC. The Symposium also discussed Cambodia’s Standards and Labeling policy and actions, at length.

The Symposium recommended to continue using AJ-EMTIPS as a platform to share information and build capacities in standards and labeling for home appliances in the ASEAN Member States (AMS).  Launched in 2013, the AJ-EMTIPS aims to serve as a platform to discuss, exchange ideas and experiences on new approaches to enhance the transformation of energy efficiency market  in the AMS. (CGZ)