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ASEAN-Japan Energy Efficiency Partnership (AJEEP) Inception Meeting 2024

26 August 2024

Photo 1. AJEEP Participants Group Photo 

The ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan, in collaboration with The Energy Conservation Center Japan (ECCJ), successfully co-organised the Inception Meeting of the ASEAN-Japan Energy Efficiency Partnership (AJEEP) under the SOME-METI Work Programme 2024-2025. The meeting was held hybrid on 6-7 August 2024, in Makati City, Philippines, hosted by the Department of Energy (DOE), Philippines. 

Photo 2. Opening Remark from DOE Philippines by Patrick T. Aquino  

Nine ASEAN Member States (AMS) – Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam – actively participated in the meeting, which was structured across five sessions. The meeting commenced with keynote message from H.E. Felix William B. Fuentebella, Undersecretary, Department of Energy, Philippines and opening remarks from Patrick T. Aquino, CESO III, Director IV, Energy Utilization Management Bureau, Department of Energy, Philippines as the host country of the inception meeting, underscoring the importance of regional collaboration in advancing energy efficiency. The following opening remark came from Masayasu Koizumi, Managing Director, ECCJ, highlighting the continued commitment of AJEEP. 

Photo 3. Opening Remark from ACE by Dr. Nuki Agya Utama  

Dr. Nuki Agya Utama, Executive Director of ACE, delivered his opening remarks highlighted the strategic priorities for the SOME-METI Work Programme 2024-2025, including the continuation and expansion of AJEEP through two key schemes. AJEEP Scheme 4 will focus on the development of Common Standard Modules and Advanced Modules for the Sustainable ASEAN Energy Management Certification Scheme (SAEMAS), while AJEEP Scheme 5 will promote Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EE&C) and Renewable Energy (RE) technologies across various sectors, including industrial, transportation, and building, to drive towards carbon neutrality.  

The first presentation delivered virtually by Dynta Trishana Munardy, Senior Officer of the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) Department at ACE, to present the updates on the APAEC Phase II 2021-2025 and the SOME-METI Work Programme. The presentation outlined the strategic directions moving forward, including continued efforts to enhance EE&C, expand RE adoption, and promote cross-sectoral collaborations to support the region’s energy transition.  

Photo 4. Presentation by Representatives from ECCJ 

The morning session continued with presentation by a representative from ECCJ, presented the basic direction and key points for AJEEP 2024-2025. The presentation emphasised the activities and expected outcomes under AJEEP Scheme 4 and Scheme 5 in Fiscal Year (FY) 2024. The presentation also highlighted the proposed new AJEEP new scheme for the upcoming FY 2026, with a strong focus on activities contributing to the decarbonisation and carbon neutrality (CN) goals of the ASEAN member states, aligning with APAEC Post-2025. 

Photo 5. Each AMS Representatives Presented Country Report 

The second session featured country report presentations from each of the representatives of AMS countries. These presentations addressed the updates on EE&C regulatory frameworks, energy manager certification systems in each country, and the progress on CN diagnosis candidate selection in the building and industrial sectors. 

Photo 6. Presentation by Representatives from ACE 

The third and final session of the first day focused on AJEEP Scheme 4, especially on establishing SAEMAS. Mardika Firlina, Associate Officer in the Energy Efficiency and Conservation (CEE) Department at ACE, presented a review of scheme 4 activities in fiscal year 2023, including the proposed regional operating system, and key challenges for project Implementation. Wrapping up the meeting on the first day, Rio Jon Piter Silitonga, Senior Officer of CEE at ACE, presented ACE’s views and recommendations for AJEEP Scheme 4, including the preparation for trial of SAEMAS in 2025. 

Photo 7. Dr Zulfikar Yurnaidi, Head of ACE, as Moderator at the Meeting 

On the second day, the meeting continued under the moderation of Dr Zulfikar Yurnaidi, Head of Energy Modelling and Policy Planning (MPP) and Acting Head of CEE Department at ACE. The focus of the meeting was on AJEEP Scheme 5 and ECAPs. The session began with ECCJ representative, who reviewed Scheme 5 activities in FY 2023, proposed plan for FY 2024, and outlined the practical CN Diagnosis procedure for industry and building. Some activities under AJEEP scheme 5 this FY include conducting CN diagnosis at two selected buildings and two selected industries across ASEAN. The proposed implementation plan for three ECAPs, a capacity building conducted in Japan on building, industry and SAEMAS, was also highlighted. The session concluded with an engaging discussion led by the moderator, setting the stage for future initiatives. 

Photo 8. Second Day of AJEEP Meeting Inception in Makati City, Philippines 

The fifth and final session focused on wrapping up and discussing the way forward was also moderated by Dr. Zulfikar Yurnaidi. The meeting ended with closing remarks from Dr. Apiradee Thammanomai, Director of Strategy and Planning Division, Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE), Thailand. Dr. Yoshitaka Ushio then delivered his closing remarks as the Senior Advisor, International Cooperation Division, ECCJ. As the representative of ACE, Dr. Zulfikar Yurnaidi expressed gratitude for the active participation and reiterated ACE’s commitment to supporting the region’s energy initiatives. Lastly, Patrick T. Aquino, CESO III gave his closing remarks as the host country representative. The meeting closed on a positive note, with participants recognising the value of the discussions and the clear path forward.