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ASEAN Improves Regulatory Framework for EE&C with Japan

07 October 2016

The workshops for the ASEAN – Japan Energy Efficiency Partnership Programme (AJEEP) Scheme 3, 2016 – 2017 for Lao PDR has been successfully organised in Vientiane, Lao PDR on 3 – 4 October 2016, while the one for Cambodia was held on 6-7 October 2016 in Phnom Penh. AJEEP Scheme 3 is joint programme of ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and the Energy Conservation Centre, Japan (ECCJ).

The Workshops aim to support Lao PDR and Cambodia to develop and establish EE&C policies and regulatory framework. For the 2016 – 2017 work programme, the Energy Efficiency Market Transformation with Information Provision Scheme (EMTIPS) will merge with AJEEP Scheme 3 to support the establishment of Standard and Labelling (S&L).

In Lao PDR, the Workshop was hosted by Institute of Renewable Energy Promotion (IREP), Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) of Lao PDR, and participated by other ministries and relevant organisations: Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Industry and Commerce; Ministry of Public Work and Transportation; Ministry of Science and Technology; Electricité du Laos (EDL); and National University of Laos.

In Cambodia, the Workshop was hosted by Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) in participation with other ministries and relevant organisations: Minister of Commerce; Minister of Environment; Minister of Industry and Handicrafts; Minister of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction; and Institute of Technology of Cambodia.  A representative from Thailand’s Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency was present in both workshops as a supporting country.

Each workshop was filled with presentations on the current status of legal framework development for energy efficiency and conservation (EE&C) activities and S&L system arrangement by the respective host countries.  ECCJ also shared information on the following: a) comparison of energy conservation (EC) law/decree in Japan and each Lao PDR and Cambodia; b) EC guidelines and EM Manual of Energy Manager; c) EC guidelines for buildings, and; d) detailed design of S&L system establishment. The representative from DEDE, Thailand, also shared the experiences of Thailand on EE&C law/regulation establishment and S&L system arrangement.

At the end of the Workshop, participants discussed the detailed action plan of the implementation items and the achievement targets with comments and suggestions by ECCJ and ACE.  The 2nd Workshops for both ASEAN Member States will be organised in each Lao PDR and Cambodia in January 2017 to follow up the implementation of AJEEP Scheme 3. (AJ. Lao PDR’s workshop photo credit: ACE)

Workshop in Cambodia. Credit: ACE