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ASEAN Energy Awards 2021

02 March 2021

The submission for the ASEAN Energy Awards 2021 is now open. This year the Awards are open for the following category:

ASEAN Coal Awards
The Application Form must be channelled through the designated AFOC Focal Points of your country, which is attached in the Guidelines. Guidelines can be found here and the deadline for submission is 8 April 2021.

Renewable Energy Project
The Application Form must be channelled through the designated RE-SSN Focal Points of your country, which is attached in the Guidelines. Guidelines can be found here and the deadline for submission is 15 April 2021.

Energy Efficient Buildings and Green Buildings
The Application Form must be channelled through the designated EE&C-SSN Focal Points of your country, which is attached in the Guidelines. Guidelines can be found here and the deadline for submission is 16 April 2021.

Energy Management in Buildings and Industries
The Application Form must be channelled through the designated EE&C-SSN Focal Points of your country, which is attached in the Guidelines. Guidelines can be found here and the deadline for submission is 16 April 2021.