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ASEAN Centre for Energy Paid a Courtesy Visit to the EU Ambassador to ASEAN

01 March 2020

Jakarta, 2 March 2020On 2nd March 2020, Dr Nuki Agya Utama, the Executive Director, paid a courtesy visit to Mr Igor Driesmans, the EU Ambassador to ASEAN at the European Union office in Jakarta.

Dr Nuki informed the EU Commission that the ASEAN Plan of Action and Energy Cooperation (APAEC) Phase II is currently in the drafting process to be implemented from 2021 to 2025.

The theme of the APAEC is enhancing energy connectivity and market integration in ASEAN to achieve energy security, accessibility, affordability and sustainability for all while the sub-theme is accelerating energy transition and strengthening resilience through greater innovation and cooperation.

ACE and EU are hoping to have close collaboration in advancing ASEAN and EU goals in energy.