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ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) Attends the 6th East Asia Energy Forum

29 August 2023

The ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) participated in the 6th East Asia Energy Forum, that was held by ERIA on 21 August 2023, in Nusa Dua, Bali. Under the theme “The Future of Energy: Decarbonizing the Final Consumption Sector,” this significant event featured keynote speeches, scene-setting presentations, and plenary discussions aimed at assessing decarbonisation initiatives, particularly in the transport and residential-commercial sectors.

The event opened with remarks from H.E. Arifin Tasrif, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia, and H.E. Dr Kao Kim Hourn, the Secretary General of ASEAN. Notably present among the key speakers was H.E. Mr. Nik Nazmi bin Nik Ahmad, Minister of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change of Malaysia and several ASEAN Member States (AMS).

Dr Nuki Agya Utama, Executive Director of ACE gave a presentation during the forum, titled “Realistic Pathway to Decarbonisation in ASEAN,” outlining the intricate balance between energy supply sources such as electricity, imported energy like natural gas and coal, energy storage via batteries, regional power grid integration, and oil & gas pipeline interconnectivity. Dr Nuki’s insights into ASEAN’s energy demand pathways, particularly in transport, industry, residential, and biofuel sectors, underscored the complexity of the decarbonisation challenge.

The presentation further delved into investment needs for powering the transition. It highlighted strategies including end-use efficiency enhancements, clean energy mobilisation through financing schemes, and optimal technology selection. Dr Nuki concluded with a series of recommendations, addressing factors such as energy accessibility, technological choices, demand management, grid infrastructure, critical minerals, and diverse regional approaches.

The concluding remarks were delivered by Prof. Hidetoshi Nishimura, the Supreme Advisor to the President of ERIA. He highlighted key takeaways from the discussions, emphasising the promise of hydrogen as a clean energy carrier, the importance of intensifying energy efficiency and electrification efforts in industries, the potential of zero-emission vehicles in the transport sector, and the critical role of energy service companies in residential and commercial carbon mitigation.

The 6th East Asia Energy Forum thus concluded with a unified message to channel investments into renewable and clean energy technologies.