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ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and the China Energy Technology and Economics Research Institute (CETERI) signed the Framework Agreement on Strategic Partnership

29 April 2021

Online, 29 April 2021On 29 April 2021, the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and the China Energy Technology and Economics Research Institute (CETERI) signed the Framework Agreement on Strategic Partnership. The Framework Agreement serves as a follow-up initiative from the joint study on Cleaner Coal Utilisation Roadmap in ASEAN by ACE and CETERI. The said study was published in 2019 and was acknowledged by the 37th ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM).

The Partnership will support the implementation of Programme Area No. 3: Clean Coal Technology (CCT) under the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) Phase II:2021-2025. The CCT programme under the APAEC Phase II:2021-2025 is aiming to optimise the role of CCT and CCUS in facilitating the transition towards sustainable and lower emission development. ACE expressed the optimism that this signing will be the starting point of our strategic partnership with CETERI to support the implementation of the CCT Programme Area under the APAEC Phase II.’, said Dr Nuki Agya Utama, the Executive Director of ACE.

Prof. Wang Xuelian, President of CETERI asserted that the signing of the Framework Agreement marks a great step of cooperation and commitment to energy transition between ACE and CETERI. Prof Wang further highlighted that to carry forward our cause and forge ahead into the future, CETERI is willing to work with ACE to strengthen research on clean energy and energy conservation transformation, to contribute to promoting regional energy transformation.

Based on the 6th ASEAN Energy Outlook (AEO6), coal will continue to be significant in the region’s fuel input mix in power generation through 2040, with an annual 4% growth rate and an approximate 179 GW of additional power capacity and the 38th ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM) agreed to strengthen and optimise the role of CCT and CCUS in facilitating the region’s transition towards a sustainable and low carbon economy. Therefore, the Partnership will hope to strengthen and optimise the role of CCT in ASEAN.

Under the Framework Agreement, ACE-CETERI cooperation will include various cooperation activities, such as but not limited to conducting cooperative study and research, personnel exchange and information sharing, as well as capacity building for the implementation of the Cleaner Coal Utilisation Roadmap for the ASEAN Member States.  


By Shania Esmeralda Manaloe