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AEO8 Workshop I 2023 on ICT for Data Analysis: Learning Cutting-Edge Technologies to Improve Analysis

13 December 2023

Supported by the United States Agency for International Development’s Southeast Asia Smart Power Program (USAID SPP), the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) hosted the Capacity Building on ICT for Data Analysis for all ASEAN focal points in the energy sector. It also marked the start of the 8th ASEAN Energy Outlook (AEO8) Workshop I, which consisted of Capacity Building on Technology Roadmap, Capacity Building on ICT for Data Analysis, as well as Working Meeting on the AEO8 Scenario and Data. 

The event welcomes participation from all ASEAN Member States (AMS) and ACE by inviting experts from Deloitte, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), and Pertamina’s Digital Transformation Team. This initiative demonstrates a commitment to bolstering regional capabilities by harnessing cutting-edge technologies. 

This workshop brought together policymakers, energy experts, and stakeholders to collaboratively address the strategic implementation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for data analysis. The focus was on building the capacity of AMS and ACE to utilise advanced technologies like Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The goal was to empower participants with the skills to effectively collect, analyse, and interpret data, enabling them to make informed, data-driven decisions. Additionally, the initiative aimed to enhance data quality for the ASEAN Energy Outlook (AEO) and future national energy roadmaps. 

In a compelling session, Rika Safrina, Senior Analyst of MPP at ACE, took centre stage to unravel the complexities of digitalisation in the ASEAN energy sector. Her expertise illuminated the transformative power of digital technologies, providing a roadmap for navigating the ever-evolving digital landscape. Participants gained insights into the strategic implementation of digitalisation, exploring how it can enhance efficiency, sustainability, and innovation in energy practices. 

She also outlined the role of MPP at ACE in spearheading digital initiatives, showcasing the proactive stance taken to leverage digital technologies to benefit the ASEAN energy landscape. 

As the ASEAN energy sector stands at the intersection of tradition and transformation, Rika’s exploration of digitalisation serves as a guiding light, paving the way for a resilient, sustainable, and digitally empowered energy future in the region. 

In an illuminating session, Naek Yosua Lumbantoruan from Deloitte took the audience through the transformative realm of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in energy data analysis. The session unfolded a series of key insights, providing a comprehensive understanding of the evolving landscape. 

Naek Yosua explained the advantages of leveraging Big Data and AI in energy data analysis. From energy data web-scraping to supply forecasting due to variable renewable energy, the session unveiled a spectrum of opportunities and applications, including demand response, balancing, and control. 

The audience was treated to a detailed exploration of various techniques and technology applications. From predictive maintenance to social network analysis, real-world cases highlighted the versatility and efficacy of these tools in energy-related scenarios. 

The second speaker, Dr. Mahathir Almashor, representing the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), explored Australia’s journey in leveraging Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for energy data analysis. The session unfolded a narrative of successes, challenges, and lessons learned. 

Dr Mahathir shared practical knowledge and wisdom acquired through implementing Big Data and AI solutions during the session on presenting lessons learned. These lessons represent valuable insights and experiences from Australia’s extensive use of these technologies in the energy sector. They encompass various aspects, including successful applications, encountered challenges, and strategic approaches that have proven effective. These insights serve as invaluable guideposts for other nations and entities embarking on a similar path. 

As illuminated by Dr Mahathir, Australia’s Big Data and AI initiatives in energy data analysis exemplify the nation’s commitment to staying at the forefront of innovation. The narrative provides a holistic perspective, emphasising the need for resilience, adaptability, and a continuous learning mindset to pursue a data-driven energy future. 

Galih Ratriningrum and Tahir Arazi Shahab, dynamic members of Pertamina’s Digital Transformation Team, took the stage to unveil the pioneering efforts in implementing integrated data management and data science within the energy sector. 

Galih and Tahir illustrated the tangible impact of integrated data management and data science on Pertamina’s operations by offering real-world examples and case studies. The ripple effect extends to optimising processes, predicting trends, and bolstering the overall resilience of the energy sector. 

The workshop further delved into the practicalities with insights from Galih Ratriningrum and Tahir Arazi Shahab of Pertamina’s Digital Transformation Team. Their presentation on integrated data management and data science illuminated the path for seamless implementation. The session delved into the technological evolution underpinning Pertamina’s journey. From adopting advanced data management systems to applying cutting-edge data science techniques, the team shared insights into staying ahead in the digital era. 

As the workshop progressed, these sessions created a vibrant tapestry of knowledge, underscoring the pivotal role of digitalisation in shaping a sustainable and efficient energy future for ASEAN.

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