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AEO8 Country Visit to Indonesia

25 January 2024

Following the country visit to Myanmar, ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) organised the 8th ASEAN Energy Outlook (AEO8) Country Visit to Indonesia. Held in Bekasi, Indonesia on 19 January 2024.

Dr. Zulfikar Yurnaidi, Energy Modelling and Policy Planning (MPP) Manager of ACE, gave welcoming remarks, extending warm welcomes, and highlighting the importance of collaborative efforts in addressing regional energy challenges. He also emphasised the tripled energy demand in ASEAN region, and the importance of developing AEO8 new scenario, Carbon Neutrality Scenario (CNS) in achieving global energy targets.

Rika Safrina, Senior Analyst of MPP, presented updates on the progress of AEO8. The report will outline pathways to achieve national and regional energy objectives, as well as to recommend the new aspirational targets.

Muhammad Shidiq, Senior Officer of MPP, conducted a session on the Low Emission Analysis Platform (LEAP) used by AEO8 to enhance participants’ understanding and encourage them to utilise LEAP Model. The session ended by a coffee break, provided an opportunity for networking.

Photo 1. Discussion on energy investment situation in ASEAN, led by Dr. Ambiyah Abdullah

Dr. Ambiyah Abdullah, Senior Research Analyst of MPP, led a knowledge-sharing session on the energy investment situation in ASEAN, discussing current landscapes, potential foreign private investors, regulatory policy improvements, and challenges beyond frameworks. A networking lunch allowed participants to engage in informal discussions.

Silvira Ayu Rosalia, Energy Statistician of MPP, and Rika Safrina, engaged participants in a detailed consultation and validation of national data on socioeconomics, policy, energy demand, supply, and transformation.

As the discussion delved further, Amira Bilqis, MPP Officer, led discussions and interactive presentations on updating the development plan of ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) post-2025, exploring country priorities, mid-term and long-term energy targets, potential energy sources, and expectations for regional energy cooperation.

Photo 2. Presentation by Michael Petalio, Energy Modeler of MPP

The event continued with Michael Petalio, Energy Modeler of MPP, presenting the initial AEO8 projection results in the Baseline Scenario and AMS Targets Scenario (ATS) for Indonesia. Discussions led by Michael on key assumptions, national targets, and new technologies for the APAEC Targets Scenario (APS) and CNS actively involved participants. With the CNS provided in the upcoming AEO8, it will also give new perspective on net zero technologies in ASEAN, such as Carbon Capture and Storage, which will further benefits ASEAN in the long run.

Discussions with Indonesia energy stakeholders also prompted the audience to express their perspectives on the current energy priorities for the country, emphasising on exploring the energy efficiency and conservation topics further in the AEO8. Another point to highlight during the discussion was the interest in organising a capacity-building sessions on energy modelling, and the establishment of energy modeller community in the ASEAN. The day concluded with Dr. Zulfikar Yurnaidi summarising key insights, discussing the way forward, and officially closing the meeting.