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AEO7 Webinar: Redesigning ASEAN Energy Security

17 February 2023

Jakarta, Indonesia, 14 February 2023 – ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) held the 2nd public webinar of the 7th ASEAN Energy Outlook (AEO7) taking the theme of “Redesigning ASEAN Energy Security” on Tuesday, February 14, 2023. The webinar aimed to discuss on how to redesign the regional energy security structure as the response of global supply chain disruption. The webinar also launched 2 (two) timely reports of 2022 ASEAN Energy Insights and Outlook on ASEAN Energy 2023.

The webinar attended by almost 200 participants invited high-level panellists: the President of Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC), Member of National Energy Council (DEN) Republic of Indonesia, and Senior Energy Analyst of International Energy Agency (IEA), in addition to our in-house experts to deliver multifaceted insights about energy security situation in the region, including fossil fuel supply chains.

The webinar started with the quiz session, facilitated by Ms. Amira Bilqis, Associate Officer of Energy Modelling and Planning (MPP) of ACE, to understand the participant’s knowledge about AEO7 and key trends on energy sector.To give the audience an overview of the energy security in ASEAN, Dr Ambiyah Abdullah, Senior Researcher of MPP Department of ACE, explained the current condition of ASEAN position in the global supply chain of energy in 2022. Most ASEAN countries are highly dependent on import of fossil fuels, but several also have significant control over the global supply chain. Despite the negative obstacles, the condition has delivered a ‘wake-up call’ for the nation to improve its readiness for any incoming shocks. She stated that countries need to address and re-set the diversification of ASEAN’s trade energy flow, particularly on the fossil-fuels trade characteristics, in redesigning energy security in the region.

Ms. Silvira Ayu Rosalia, Energy Statistician and Data Visualisation Officer of MPP Department from ACE, presented key trends of fossil fuel, electricity, renewables, and energy efficiency sectors throughout the year 2022 based on collected news from the ASEAN Energy Database System (AEDS). Ms. Silvira further highlighted the regional situation in 2022 that heavily focused on maintaining energy resilience and sustainability. Meanwhile, the energy insecurity in ASEAN has turned the government to address the disrupted energy market with consideration towards cleaner and more resilient energy.

Following the launching presentation of 2022 insights, Ms. Rika Safrina, Technical Officer of MPP Department from ACE, also presented the regional energy outlook in 2023, including the elaboration of past and current ASEAN’s Chairmanship. Until this year, few ASEAN Member States (AMS) have submitted Enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution (ENDC) with more ambitious targets and strategic international public supports. Moreover, Ms. Rika asserted that AMS has prepared new or updated the energy transition regulations, contributing to the decisive milestone towards the target of renewable share in 2023.Panel Session

As the core of the event, the panel session was moderated directly by Dr. Nuki Agya Utama, Executive Director of ACE. The session was a free-flow discussion with several guiding questions.Dr. Kazutomo IRIE, President of APERC, conveyed his commentary that the impact of energy crisis in Southeast Asia isn’t as intensive as other region. He mentioned Europe as an example due to energy market interconnectivity and inevitably impacted its energy prices. He viewed that the Southeast Asia may face serious challenge to stable natural gas supply as the sector holds a key role to pursue both energy security and environmental sustainability. Therefore, ASEAN should strengthen the cooperation for renewable energy, power interconnection, and stable supply of natural gas because of the resources inequality among ASEAN countries by organising tabletop exercise with energy experts.

Mr. Satya Widya Yudha, Member of Board, DEN Indonesia, shared his view on improving energy security while committing to the Net Zero Emission (NZE) by decarbonizing fossil fuel through collaboration. He also pointed out the challenges during energy crisis where several countries tend to put energy security forward instead of reducing emissions which opposed to their commitments. Meanwhile, Indonesia maintains its consistency to sustain the energy supply foremost. To strengthen energy supply chain, the government should be able to transform the global value chains into domestic oriented with the intention to follow the energy source and exploit a stronger market in the region.

Mr. Toru MUTA, Senior Energy Analyst of Energy Supply and Investment Outlook Division from IEA stressed his statement more on energy access and increased energy investment which are crucial in redesigning energy security. Besides energy demand growth and as a major energy exporter in the region, he also proceeded with previous argument on ASEAN’s energy dynamics where strong development of clean energy technology has brought the opportunities to secure energy supply chain. He suggested government shall establish enabling policies to boost green energy investments by private sectors.

At last, Dr Ambiyah Abdullah, Senior Researcher of MPP Department of ACE came to the conclusion that ASEAN needs to rethink the future scenario for stable energy supply despite the challenges. Dr. Ambiyah emphasized more about improving the data quality of energy supply and demand in terms of its stock and consumption. Without the good quality and robust data, it would be difficult to initiate the long-term of the ASEAN energy security design as well as the short-term emergency measures for regional supply chain that resilient to the global shock.

In the end, the panellists concluded the discussion on the importance of collaboration for energy interconnectivity to maintain its security in the region.

To learn more about this topic:

Watch the recording video of the webinar series

Access the 7th ASEAN Energy Outlook (AEO7)

Access 2022 ASEAN Energy Insights

Access Outlook on ASEAN Energy 2023