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The 7th ASEAN Energy Outlook (AEO7) Dissemination to Ministry of Energy and Mines of Lao PDR

04 May 2023

On May 4th 2023, the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) held the 7th ASEAN Energy Outlook (AEO7) Dissemination to the Ministry of Energy and Mines of Lao PDR (MoEM). Following the publication of AEO7, ACE seeks to circulate its flagship report through this continual event to enhance the ASEAN ownership on the outlook. Mr Litthanoulok Laspho, Alternate SOE Leader, Director of Power Generation Planning Division, Department of Energy Policy and Planning, MoEM warmly received ACE requests to hear AEO7 findings and insights first hand.

The dissemination also aimed to gather input and insights from the MoEM to develop the next outlook, the 8th ASEAN Energy Outlook (AEO8), which plan to be launched during Lao PDR’s ASEAN Chairmanship next year.

Dr. Zulfikar Yurnaidi, Manager of Energy Modelling and Policy Planning (MPP), gave an overview of how ASEAN Energy Outlook can complement the regional energy blueprint, the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) Phase II: 2016-2025. The development of AEO incorporated various data of ASEAN Member States (AMS) in the energy sector that can support the creation of pathways for achieving regional targets. He also highlighted in brief AEO7 findings on the region’s energy efficiency, renewable energy, and installed power capacity.

In addition, Dr. Ambiyah Abdullah, Senior Officer of Energy Modelling and Policy Planning (MPP), proceeded the previous explanation about the AEO7 modelling findings. The study discovered that ASEAN would become a net natural gas and coal importer by 2025 and 2039, respectively. However, Dr. Ambiyah noted that increasing the reserves and production capacity can also avoid such a future. Another finding that she emphasised was the exploration of an interconnection grid within ASEAN that would be cost-effective when operational as early as 2025, especially Lao PDR is the leading country in exporting its Hydro-powered electricity to its neighbouring countries up to Singapore.