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ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) Meets with Yale University’s Fellow to Explore Research Collaboration

01 May 2023

Dr Asmus Rungby with ACCEPT II and PFS teams

  • Dr Asmus Rungby, a post-doctoral fellow from Council on Southeast Asia Studies at Yale University visited the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) office on 2 May 2023 to meet with ACE’s researchers on exploring potential research collaboration.
  • The in-person meeting discussed a potential of research collaboration between the institutions on Southeast Asia’s transition to green energy in the region by involving social economic parameter.

In this meeting, Dr Asmus who is a Southeast Asianist and anthropologist focused on issues of governance, political economy and democracy in Southeast Asia discussed his willingness to collaborate on conducting research during his post-doctoral fellow research in Yale University with ACE. Currently, his role is as the grant holder of the project “Squaring the Circle of Southeast Asia’s Green Transition.”

Aligned with his research, Dr Asmus would like to build a new partnership with ACE. In this opportunity, ACCEPT II (ASEAN Climate Change and Energy Project phase II) team gave an insightful explanation toward potential collaboration and the intersection between ACCEPT project and the proposed research. Muhammad Shidiq, Senior Researcher of ACCEPT II Project showed his enthusiasm for the open collaboration with Yale University. Further collaboration is an excellent opportunity for both ACE and Yale University to accelerate the green energy transition in ASEAN countries. Another potential is the research could give a specific recommendation toward ASEAN countries in terms of community building, existing regulation, and international organization’s support on the climate change sector.

Through this project, Dr Asmus’s work extends his research concerns of community engagement, organizational work, and modes of governance into the urgent issues of climate change and the global transition to green energy. The project which will be estimated for a 4-month-long partnership for the ongoing climate project is focused in the political, international, and community participations of the grand infrastructure changes to support Southeast Asian transition into a reliable and decarbonized energy system. The project balances concerns for the multicultural interests of local, communities, regional & national governments, NGO’s, and private sector companies to chart the interweaving societal complexities of executing a transition of this unprecedented scale and rapidity. However, the research will focus on ACE as an international organization for the data analysis, collection, and further meetings in the meantime.

In addition, Aldilla Noor Rakhiemah, Senior Researcher of ACCEPT II Project also sees the project as a further step to strengthen regional structure, capacity, and gender equality on energy-climate nexus, which is one of the ACCEPT II outcomes. Another opportunity is to arrange the research with the following ASEA Plan of Action on Energy Cooperation (APAEC)’s Programme Areas namely; ASEAN Power Grid (APG), Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline (TAGP) , Coal and Clean Coal Technology (CCCT), Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EE&C), Renewable Energy (RE), Regional Energy Policy and Planning (REPP), and Civilian Nuclear Energy (CNE), said Adhityo Gilang Bhaskoro from Power, Fossil Fuel and Alternative Energy and Storage (PFS) Researcher of ACE.

As a follow up, Dr Asmus will prepare a concise research concept and collaboration proposal which highlights a more detailed plan and strategy regarding the collaboration agreement. As part of the research collaboration, Dr Asmus would like to propose a secondment to stay in and engage with ACE’s researchers during the research work. It is expected through the research collaboration, the research will have a great result on data analysis and benefited for ASEAN’s climate and energy related information.

Detailed information on ACCEPT II: https://accept.aseanenergy.org/. For any collaborations with ACCEPT II: [email protected]