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ACE Convened Bilateral Meetings with Malaysia, the Philippines, and Brunei Darussalam for the Development of Conceptual Framework of Renewable Energy Certificate System (RECAP) Project

01 November 2023

The ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) convened bilateral meetings with relevant stakeholders from Malaysia, the Philippines, and Brunei Darussalam for the Development of Conceptual Framework of Renewable Energy Certificate System (RECAP) Project. The foremost objectives of these bilateral meetings with the respective country’s Focal Points are to discuss the Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) market overview and gain insight into their national REC priorities. REC, also known as green energy certificates and tradable energy certificates, is a market-based instrument used to substantiate user claims about the sustainability of their electricity sources.

RECAP Project specifically aims for the study of REC market potentials and to develop a conceptual framework for a sub-regional REC system in Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA). The outcome of the project aligns with the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) Phase II (2021-2025) goals of achieving 23% total primary energy supply and 35% of total install capacity across the ASEAN region. RECAP Project is funded by BIMP Korean Cooperation Fund (BKCF) and supported by Global Green Growth Initiative (GGGI) as BKCF secretariat.

On September 7, 2023, ACE conducted a bilateral meeting with the Energy Commission of Sabah (ECoS) at the Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK), Malaysia. ACE was represented by Mr. Septia Supendi Buntara, RECAP Project Manager, Ms. Mardika Firlina, RECAP Officer, and Ms. Rinda Rufaidah, Communications Specialist. The delegates from ACE were warmly received by Datuk Ir. Abdul Nasser Bin Abdul Wahid — CEO of ECoS, Mr. Frederick Wong — Director of Strategic Planning & Communications, and Ms. Emelinah Ampon — Director of Economic Regulation, Industrial Planning & Development. The bilateral meeting between ACE and ECoS for RECAP resulted in a fruitful discussion regarding the current best practices of REC programs in Sabah, as well as the enormous opportunities for cooperation way forward.

The next bilateral meeting was conducted with the Department of Energy Philippines on September 11, 2023. Mr. Septia Supendi Buntara represented ACE and presented the latest status of the RECAP project, discussion of Renewable Energy Development in ASEAN and way forward of the project. On this occasion of bilateral meeting with the Philippines, ACE had the opportunity to discuss relevant information regarding the current context of REC market under Renewable Energy Market (REM) guideline and RE development in the Philippines. The participants of the meeting, Ms. Liza Pangilinan — Supervising Science Research Specialist, Mr. Edward Neri — Supervising Science Research Specialist, Mr. Jordan Ballaran — Senior Science Research Specialist, and Ms. Angelica Delos Santos — Senior Science Research Specialist, expressed appreciation to ACE for conducting the bilateral meeting to gather direct discussion with DOE and collect key priorities of the country towards implementation of cross country REC in the future.

Brunei Darussalam was the next country to visit for the RECAP bilateral meeting series. The meeting was held on October 24, 2023, in the Department of Energy, Prime Minister’s Office, Brunei Darussalam. Mr. Septia Buntara Supendi as the RECAP Project Manager and the representative of ACE was received by Ms. Nurul Hadinah — Head of Renewable Energy Unit and Mr. Hasbur Rahman Yahaya — Special Duties Officer II of Renewable Energy Unit. The overall agenda of the bilateral meeting with Brunei Darussalam reflected detail discussion of the draft REC framework for BIMP country and share way forward of the project milestones.

During these bilateral meetings, ACE gained insights into the REC market outlook in each respective country. In summary, the meetings with these three member countries highlighted the different stages of development in their REC markets. However, these differences also underscore the potential for future cooperation in the regional REC market, in addition to the opportunities presented by the RECAP project. Ensuring the reliability of the REC system is an essential aspect of building a pathway towards decarbonization for a greener and more sustainable ASEAN region.