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ACE at Singapore International Energy Week 2023: Leading Discussions on the Future of the Grid and Clean Energy Progress

08 November 2023

On 25-26 October 2023, ACE participated in the Singapore International Energy Week (SIEW) 2023, particularly the “Future of the Grid”, “Asian Downstream Summit”, and “Driving Decarbonisation in ASEAN Infrastructure” events. Took place in Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, the annual event was organised by the Energy Market Authority (EMA) of Singapore.

Dr Nuki Agya Utama, Executive Director of ACE, moderated the Future of The Grid with the topic of “Enabling Regional Multilateral Electricity Trade”. The discussion invited Dato’ Ir. Ts. Abdul Razib Bin Dawood as the CEO of Malaysia’s Energy Commission, Dr Chanthaboun Soukaloun as the Managing Director of Electricite du Laos, and Dr Phuwanart Choonhaparn as the OERC Assistant Secretary General of Energy Regulatory Commission Thailand, to convey their views on the effective regulatory frameworks and initiatives to enhance grid capacity in order to enable ASEAN-wide multilateral electricity trade.

The session was opened by highlighting the impact of the Lao-Thailand-Malaysia-Singapore Power Integration Project’s (LTMS-PIP) success as the catalyst to further advance the progress of multilateral power trade in the ASEAN region. Dr Nuki also delivered the updates on the ASEAN Power Grid (APG), emphasising the existing and planned interconnection capacities in ASEAN and the directives from the 41st ASEAN Ministers of Energy Meeting (AMEM) to further expand multilateral power trade and cross-border interconnection in the region.

In the panel discussion, Dr Nuki raised the issues of harmonised grid codes for multilateral power trade, the obstacles faced by participating countries in the establishment of LTMS, and the effect of power market structure differences in realizing the LTMS. Furthermore, he also lifted the issue of the Energy Purchase and Wheeling Agreement (EPWA) as implemented in the LTMS, which would be a useful insight for other countries in the ASEAN region.

Meanwhile, Beni Suryadi, Manager of Power, Fossil Fuel, Alternative Energy and Storage (PFS) Department at ACE, joined the Asian Downstream Summit 2023, together with Clarence Woo, Executive Director of Asian Clean Fuels Association, Kenneth Lim, Refinery Director & General Manager of Neste, Stéphane Wermster, Vice President Sales Asia Pacific of Axens, Matt Spalding, Vice President, General Manager – Asia Pacific of Honeywell UOP, discussing the current state of the refining and petrochemicals industry with respect to clean energy and sustainability, progress made, and challenges faced on the road towards decarbonisation, potential market for clean energy fuels, and the role of government policy and regulations in driving development and adoption, and technical and engineering challenges associated with development and production of clean fuels.

Beni highlighted the significant progress in Southeast Asia’s refining and petrochemical industry, with a focus on decarbonisation. He noted that Indonesia and Malaysia are at the forefront of this transformation, implementing measures such as refinery upgrades, biofuels production, and international partnerships. He also emphasised the region’s dedication to reducing emissions and the pivotal role of innovation in achieving a more sustainable energy landscape.

Dr Zulfikar Yurnaidi, Manager of Energy Modelling and Policy Planning (MPP) Department at ACE, also participated in a panel discussion titled “Driving Decarbonisation in ASEAN Infrastructure” at the Energy Efficiency Track of Asia Clean Energy Summit. The event, organised by SES and Infrastructure Asia, was opened by Lavan Thiru, Executive Director of Infrastructure Asia, and H.E. Ervan Maksum, Deputy Minister of Ministry of National Development Planning.

Dr Zulfikar highlighted the region’s priorities in implementing its regional blueprint, particularly in sustainable infrastructure. He also discussed opportunities and challenges in decarbonising the energy sector, including the need for innovative financing. Panellists from ADB, PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur, and Siemens shared their experiences in advancing sustainable infrastructure projects. Fellow panellists, Priyantha Wijayatunga of Asian Development Bank (ADB), Sylvi Gani of PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero), and Nilesh Y. Jadhav of Siemens, further shared their experiences to deep divo into the policies, technologies, business models, innovative financing mechanisms, and tools in advancing sustainable infrastructure projects.

ACE participation in SIEW shows its unwavering support and commitment to promoting renewable energy development in ASEAN region and supporting the establishment of a well-integrated power grid system, allowing the utilisation of cross-border interconnections for multilateral and, to some extent, regional power trade.