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ACCEPT II Project Presented During World Clean Energy Conference Indonesia 2022

02 December 2022

Jakarta, 1 – 2 December 2022

The Project Manager of ASEAN Climate Change and Energy Project Phase II (ACCEPT II), Mr Beni Suryadi was invited as a speaker and announced the commencement of the ACCEPT II during the World Clean Energy Conference Indonesia 2022, held on 1 – 2 December 2022 at Ayana Midplaza Hotel Jakarta, Indonesia.

  • The organiser of the World Clean Energy Conference Indonesia 2022 has invited ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) representative, Mr Beni Suryadi as one of the speakers and given him the floor to give updates on the current status of the energy sector in ASEAN as well as to announce the commencement of ACCEPT II.
  • Mr Beni Suryadi has informed that the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) just commenced a new partnership between ASEAN and Norway on Energy & Climate, namely ACCEPT II, in front of more than 400 invited participants.
  • The information has attracted the attention of several stakeholders to know and understand further of the project which is being implemented from 2022 to 2026 and will be involving energy and climate stakeholders across the region.


The World Clean Energy Conference Indonesia 2022 has invited and brought together more than 400 participants and stakeholders in the energy sector to discuss solutions, policies and technologies that can accelerate energy transformation in Indonesia. The aim is to get to Indonesia as a low carbon economy country and to achieve net-zero emission. The stakeholders consist of government officials, energy companies, industries, financial institutions, project developers, investors, news agencies, etc. The main points of discussion in the conference may include but not limited to Indonesia Energy Sector Net Zero Roadmap; Low-Carbon Economies, Clean Energy Investment & Financing; Solar Technology & Storage; Wind, Water and other renewable energy; Modernisation of Indonesia’s Electric Network; Digital Connected Energy Network; and Electric Vehicles & Charging Infrastructure.

(Photo 1. Mr Beni Suryadi representing ACE and ACCEPT2 Project to deliver current status of ASEAN energy and to inform the commencement of ACCEPT2.)

ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) has been invited as one of 50 speakers to deliver updates on the current status of energy in ASEAN as well as ongoing programmes or activities between ASEAN and dialogues partners (DPs) and international organisations (IOs). Mr Beni Suryadi, Manager of Power, Fossil Fuel, Alternative Energy and Storage (PFS); and Project Manager of ACCEPT II, has presented the topic as well as informed the commencement of ASEAN – Norway Partnership on Energy and Climate, namely ACCEPT II. He highlighted that the ACCEPT II is being implemented from 2022 – 2026 which will help move ASEAN’s energy transition to low-carbon energy systems and thereby contribute toward global carbon neutrality in the coming years. In advance, the planned effects for the target group of the ACCEPT II are:

  1. Advance knowledge-sharing on energy and climate nexus in ASEAN.
  2. Enhance ASEAN’s capacity as a low-carbon economy towards carbon neutrality (net zero), and
  3. Strengthen the regional structure, capacity and gender equality on the energy-climate nexus.

During the presentation, Mr Beni promoted the project as well as opened for collaboration with any energy and climate stakeholder from institutions across Southeast Asia countries. The project is open for any collaborators ranging from government officials, energy industries and companies, universities, research institutes, think tanks, NGOs, financial institutions, and communities across the region on how to integrate the energy and climate. Mr Beni mentioned that, “Participants are more than welcome to collaborate and discuss further with the ACCEPT II team on how we can collaborate and implement activities to turn ASEAN into low-carbon economies”.

We are currently open for collaboration opportunities. Please feel free to contact Mr Beni Suryadi at [email protected]