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ACCEPT II Presented Updates in the 22nd REPP-SSN Meeting

29 May 2023

ASEAN Climate Change and Energy Project (ACCEPT) II was invited to present the programme’s updates at the 22nd Regional Energy Policy and Planning Sub-Sector Network (REPP-SSN).

  • During the session, Ms Aldilla Noor Rakhiemah, ACCEPT II Senior Researcher of ACE, explained the backgrounds of ASEAN’s collaboration with Norway in the energy-climate nexus, which is realised through ACCEPT Phase I and II.
  • The presentation proceeded with the updates of ACCEPT II’s 2023 activities in supporting REPP based on OBS 1 (enhance the profile of ASEAN’s energy sector internationally) and OBS 6 (promote information sharing in the energy-climate nexus).
  • The Meeting acknowledged and supported the planned activities for 2023 and gave inputs, particularly on the Site Visit activity.

Photo 1. Dr Nuki Agya Utama, Executive Director of ACE, with REPP-SSN representatives

The 22nd Annual Regional Energy Policy and Planning Sub-Sector Network (REPP-SSN) Meeting was held in Singapore on 29 May 2023. As an integral project of the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) implemented in collaboration with the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), ACCEPT was invited to present the programme’s objectives and activities updates. Ms Aldilla Noor Rakhiemah, ACCEPT II Senior Researcher of ACE, represented ACCEPT to deliver the presentation to the REPP-SSN Chair.

The session commenced with the topic of ASEAN’s engagement with Norway. The 40th ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM), which was held on 15 September 2022, officially announced the end of ACCEPT Phase I: 2018-2022 and the beginning of ACCEPT Phase II. As an ASEAN-Norway collaborative programme, ACCEPT II was officially approved by the ASEAN-Norway Joint Sectoral Cooperation Committee (AN-JSCC) Co-Chairs on 28 October 2022. Following the approval, the 48-month-long programme of ACCEPT Phase II:2023-2026 began its implementation on 1 November 2022. Further strengthening the support for this programme, the approval status of ACCEPT II was reported at the 8th Meeting of the AN-JSCC at the ASEAN Secretariat on 14 March 2023.

This programme highlights a crucial focus within the framework of ASEAN energy cooperation: the energy-climate nexus and the energy transition to low-carbon economies with the ultimate goal of attaining net zero in the near future. ACCEPT Phase II commits to support the implementation and development of the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC). This goal is broken down into two focuses: 1) assisting ASEAN in planning the energy cooperation policies in APAEC Phase 2: 2021-2025 and 2) implementing the Programme Area 6 of APAEC, Regional Energy Policy and Planning (REPP), and Outcome-Based Strategy (OBS) 6 to promote information sharing on the Energy-Climate Nexus. Therefore, ACCEPT II will administer APAEC and OBS 6 in its outcomes, outputs, and action plans.

Photo 2. Aldilla Rakhiemah, ACCEPT II Senior Research Analyst of ACE, presenting updates on ACCEPT II’s 2023 activities

The first outcome of ACCEPT II involves advanced knowledge sharing on energy and climate nexus in ASEAN. This outcome is realized through three outputs: 1) promoted information sharing about energy and climate nexus builds confidence among policymakers from the energy and climate sectors, 2) policy-relevant studies to improve the coherence of energy and climate policy, including the assessment of sectoral technology options for decarbonization and modelling frameworks for pathways to and beyond 2050, and 3) Conduct science-policy-business forums/conference on energy-climate nexus theme.

The second outcome of ACCEPT II is stated as enhancing ASEAN’s capacity as Low-Carbon Economy towards carbon neutrality or net zero. Similarly, this outcome is broken down into three outputs, namely 1) enhanced practical knowledge of policymakers on Low-Carbon Economy and carbon neutrality (net-zero) and pathways. 2) regional energy system modelling for Low-Carbon Economy toward carbon neutrality (net zero), particularly from the technology and policy perspective, and 3) national energy system modelling for Low-Carbon Economy towards Carbon Neutrality (net zero).

The third outcome is to strengthen the regional structure, capacity, and gender equality in the energy-climate nexus. The three outputs include 1) establishing a unified unit on energy and climate (or environment) within ACE’s structure, 2) developing a regional knowledge hub on energy-climate (including carbon neutrality or net-zero) with integrated dissemination activities, and 3) promoting gender equality in the energy sector.

The last part of the presentation focused on ACCEPT II’s 2023 activities in supporting REPP based on OBS 1 (enhance the profile of ASEAN’s energy sector internationally) and OBS 6 (promote information sharing in the energy-climate nexus). To realize OBS 1, ACCEPT II implements Action Plan 1.2, which is to publish regular energy outlooks and strategic reports on thematic issues. Furthermore, ACCEPT II supports the 8th ASEAN Energy Outlook by developing Regional Net Zero Scenario & Model and National Net Zero Energy Modelling for Lao PDR, which will be launched in the 42nd AMEM. To attain OBS 6, ACCEPT II based its activities on three action plans. The first is Action Plan 6.1 (organise policy dialogue on energy-climate nexus) through high-level policy dialogue, which will tentatively be conducted in Q3 2023 (August 2023) in Indonesia. Second, ACCEPT II implements Action Plan 6.1 (organise study visits to address energy and climate nexus) through site visits to Norway which will be done in Q4 2023 (early November). Regarding the plan for site visits, REPP Chair suggested that ACCEPT II initiate discussions with Norway on regional connectivity, considering Norway is an expert on regional connectivity and market integration. Finally, Action Plan 6.3 (organise regional seminars on ASEAN low carbon transition) will be fulfilled through the regional seminar on carbon pricing, which is scheduled for Q3 2023 (August 2023) in Indonesia.

Detailed information on ACCEPT II can be found at https://accept.aseanenergy.org/.

ACCEPT II welcomes any collaboration, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]